Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

You have more restraint and self control than I do, for sure.

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One thing which Dragonflight has been refreshing on, is that itā€™s not the same cast solving/causing all the problems at hand. Itā€™s nice to not have Jaina, Anduin + Co aboutā€¦

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This too will pass.


Ok, and?

I never understood this complaint. Are people not meant to talk about their feelings?
It gets even more ironic because this complaint often is shared by people who cry about the ā€˜wokenessā€™ and ā€˜nobody cares about men any moreā€™ā€¦ so when mental health months come by theyā€™re first to whine about how men canā€™t talk about their feelings.

Itā€™s gotten to the point where I feel like I see this argument more than actually examples of in this expansion, to the point youā€™re probably just primed to see it (and often not even that being true!) and think itā€™s the only thing happening in the expansion.



Iā€™m still trying to come to terms with Nerathion claiming that Uldaman and Unā€™goro introduced cosmic elements.

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damn so dragonflight isnā€™t cosmic at all because itā€™s mostly about titans then!

Imagining that meme of two competing nations where itā€™s like

OUR REVERENT GOD-MACHINERY (uldamanā€™s titan tech)

THEIR DEFILING SCI-FI (the same Titan tech just in more detail)


Uldamanā€™s conclusion way back in Classic did very much point us toward cosmic themes, yeah. The Lore Keeper talks about the Titans seeding planets and a whole heap of other stuff that very much widened the scale of the setting.


I think at times, some narrative threads should be left vague or at least left to breadcrumbs or anaemic clues you have to actively tie together. Titans areone of those imo.

Back into Baldurs Gate 3 now I finished Phantom Liberty. My last save was mid way through the tribunal of murder fight so that was a very steep learning curve to come back to.

1 Like is advertising a new ā€œraid readyā€ level 70 boost with 424 gear.

424 is nowhere near raid ready (itā€™s LFR ready, which makes it very technically not false advertising), and you get 421 gear just from doing the 10.2 campaign on a fresh 70. Considering how fast leveling is these days, it seems like a total waste of money.

Is Blizzard that desperate?

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Does this have the same problem as the past ā€˜Gear Updateā€™ things were? I noticed, coming back to WoW after I unsubbed in like, first months of Dragonflight, every non-70 character I had got this ā€˜Gear Updateā€™ option, but apparently it just nukes your character and gives them a set ilvl gear, even though your character mightā€™ve actually had better gear instead.

You have no way of checking whether that is good or bad for you, since if you decide to log on the character without using the gear update, the option is removed. Everything gets removed and only (?) the existing gear you had gets mailed back to you.

Very bizarre and sort of a trap you donā€™t know youā€™re falling into. Blizzard should be far more transparent with whatā€™s actually going on. At least the ā€˜allied race who used gear update isnā€™t eligible for heritage armor because gear update was a boostā€™ thing is supposedly fixed right now.


Maybe if people complain really hard the gear will be like, 440. Though I will say, itā€™s relatively easy to gear your characters right now, if you find a group to spam m+ with then you can get yourself to a high enough ilvl pretty quickly. I know you find this somewhat hard to do, but even casual friends probably can run keys around M+10 level!

Had a look through and couldnā€™t find a ā€˜regularā€™ level 70 boost being sold [canā€™t be bothered checking in-game but certainly not on battlenet], so it seems like theyā€™re sprucing up the regular boost with a couple of extras.

Definitely not worth the money unless you have more money than you know what to do with and ā€˜end-game readyā€™ is a stretch when thatā€™s not even Adventurer-tier.

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One of the best conversational ā€œfeaturesā€ in Rogue Trader is instructing your party members to announce you instead of you doing it yourself.

I take it every time. Normally its Abelard but I just had Pasqal announce me. Feels so satisfying. No wonder rich people do this stuff.

Managed to complete the first wing of LFR Amirdrassil with no issues, and even no deaths! (Just lol) but also no loot :upside_down_face:

Now having to queue for the second wing as DPS. The pain is real lol.


I donā€™t know. Itā€™s a paid boost.

Make sure to also complete the 10.2 campaign, which rewards you with at least 421 gear (maybe more). You can also complete this weekā€™s weekly quest, which rewards a heroic raid item for running four mythic dungeons (mythic 0 qualifies and theyā€™ll take practically anyone, you can also start your own group).

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Iā€™m at 456 right now without having ever stepped into M+, and Iā€™m a pretty casual player.

My gear is a mix from LFR, world bosses, weeklies, great vault, crafted items, and normal raid (including a bow I got by default as the only hunter in the group).

I basically lucked out on normal Amirdrassil. Acrona invited me to a raiding group of roleplayers who were willing to take 440+ casual players along. We got a Fyrakk kill and unlocked Amirdrassil in the main world, which means that as far as Iā€™m concerned, Iā€™m basically done with content. I got what I wanted.

Point is, gearing up to 440 isnā€™t hard. My druid alt is 436, and thatā€™s just from weeklies and world bosses, and thereā€™s still some low-hanging fruit to pick in the form of campaign quest rewards. The game showers you with gear, the real problem would be finding a group to do content with if all your social connections are roleplayers.


I ache so much.

Heck, Iā€™m jealous :sweat_smile: Iā€™m just after the Nelf transmog myself (and the world change haha) as I tend not to raid. My Nelf is 436 at the mo, so not too bad.

Died in wing 2, but only cos it wasnā€™t super clear how to shield from the Keepers AoE blast.
Turns out I wasnā€™t hugging the brambles hard enough :stuck_out_tongue: We did wipe once, but cleared without issue the second time. Itā€™s relatively fun, though I can see it being ā€˜betterā€™ with a fully geared and coordinated group.

My total lack of loot rolls continues hah.

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If youā€™re willing to wait until Wednesday, thatā€™s when the last LFR wing will unlock. Going by how these things went in the past, the last campaign chapter should unlock even if you havenā€™t killed Fyrakk, and Amirdrassil should appear in the main world for everyone, period.

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