Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

rogue trader loading screen progression thing has cat ears

for the emperor, nyaa

Itā€™s so windy. My whole house creaked and things went bang outside.

Thats one guy. Not the whole flight!

I think we are confusing stating grander facts of the setting (Azeroth was shaped by titans, the Burning Legion exists between worlds, Old Gods are real etc) with direct interactions on a cosmic scale (Sending Reply Code Alpha through so that the titans automatic planet sterilizer doesnā€™t activate, cruising in a space ship to Argus, The Shadowlands etc).

Or things like summoning the Elemental Lord of Fire itself and killing him for good; or summoning otherwordly beings from the Emerald Dream to restore an ancient titanic artifact while allying with the Dragonflights so we can kill an old god and their empire made of corrupted titan constructs in a titan facility-prison; or killing a loa thatā€™s three Warhammer chaos gods stapled and held together with duct tape that had caused world-wide destruction before; or having easily obtainable canon texts that mention vast knowledge about the Titans openly; or an entire race naming their entire kingdom after a titan and finding out about their existence being a ā€˜corrupted data errorā€™ from a literal CDā€¦

Wait no, thatā€™s Vanilla.

Itā€™s almost like ā€˜cosmicā€™ is a buzzword for ā€˜fantasy elements I donā€™t likeā€™ which makes even less sense when the Vanilla login screen was a ā€˜cosmicā€™ element of an intergalactic portal that took the orcs to Azeroth.

Technology did have a bit of a jumpstart into things far more in the realm of sci-fi at times; but itā€™s not as if the leap was from medieval to that. Warcraft 2 had oil rigs, submarines, helicopters, ironclads, and dreadnoughts.


Pet peve I never knew I had until today; Microwaves that think theyā€™re too good for a time button and instead make you do a merry old dance through a range of numbered ā€œprogrammesā€ until by sheer random chance you find one that wont absolutely atomise your dinner

Listen, the fact Iā€™ve been reduced to Rustlers burgers for an evening meal already tells you my life is at an absolute low, could you at least throw a dog a bone and just make this easy for me


oh my god iā€™m so sorry

I think you are changing the goalposts after attempting to make a sharp comment at Neraā€™s expense and being roundly disagreed with.

Also Demoniacoā€™s post.


Iā€™ve reached levels of ā€œsad Ryan Goslingā€ that shouldnā€™t be possible

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and you donā€™t even have a holographic girlfriend to take the edge off

really brutal stuff


We didnā€™t summon Ragnaros, Ragnaros was summoned by Thaurissan hundreds of years ago and laid semi-dormant within Blackrock Mountain to recuperate (Too soon, Executus). But yes, Warcraft has always had a certain cosmic element to it, the Black Portal linked Outland with Azeroth all the way back in the nineties, but almost any fantasy setting has that.

I feel that, again, we are blurring the lines between what a ā€œboilerplateā€ fantasy setting contains, such as summoning elder entities from beyond, using arcane magic, exploring temples of civilizations long lost precursor civilizations with the modern writersā€™ tendency to overload us with an almost excruciating amount of detail about the cosmic existence beyond Azerothā€™s own framework. Reading literal science reports from the Titans is not the same as the inferred plans of Titans creating dwarves to raise mountain ranges thousands and thousands of years ago. Thatā€™s the ā€œcosmic scaleā€ that I think bothers many people, where it doesnā€™t feel like worldbuilding anymore but instead of someone trying to line up answers to mysteries that work better as mysteries.

Well, that and the spaceships.

I donā€™t feel like Iā€™ve done that at all, could you please elaborate?

Normally if you hit the start button, it adds 30 seconds to the timer, just keep clicking until you got the amount of time needed.

From fellow; IDK how to set a timer on my microwave and am now too lazy to learn.

Titan greco-roman arcane AI vs Zereth Mortis protorobotics and 3d printed deities.

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Peeve: I keep forgetting to reapply the potion in cross-faction RP groups. Unlike the potion, they translate only say, not emotes. Annoying.

Youā€™re further than me, because despite having a Fyrakk kill I hadnā€™t completed the main story by then (was like, literally 3 quests away or so, had the Eye of Ysera bit left) so now I have to reclear the raid. Low-key canā€™t be bothered to deal with Normal and Iā€™d want to move on to Heroic, but Heroic wonā€™t kill Fyrakk.


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Welp, thatā€™s all three available wings of LFR cleared.
A few wipes, but really nothing that bad. There was actual communication, so we never wiped twice in a row. Mechanically, actually nothing that bad. Almost fun, even.

Though I remember the actual thing I hated about Raiding. Did all that, not a SINGLE item successfully rolled on. No ā€˜progressionā€™ whatsoever.
ā€œOh, you want to attempt Normal so that you can see the end of the story in sensible time, LOL no items for YOU scrub!ā€

I despise WoWs continued hard lean on RNG. Iā€™d prefer slower but steady progress, i.e. earning tokens per run or something, than being eternally at the whims of the dice :roll_eyes:

Edit: ā€œBut why do you need gear if you donā€™t do Progression?ā€
Sibling in Deity, I never have done progression because I canā€™t. GET. Gear. Iā€™ve got enough to get into LFR, but every attempt since MoP has been a resounding ā€œlolNoā€, every time.
God I hate RNGā€¦


Last week during the legion time walking
I was running the ravenhold dungeon and we ran into a rare spawn
Normally its no bother, they were in the map room after the first boss so not skippable
anyway fight was pretty basic tank and spank until I suddenly die.
turns out this boss has an instant death spell, no cast time, no warning, just instant death,
it deals 22k damage, in the timewalking dungeon you are scaled down a lot, so that spell dealt enough damage to kill you at least twice over.
worse it targets someone at random.

That is some highest tier mythic plus dungeon bull :poop: I tell you.


It wasnā€™t a rare, but more a WQ that spawned during one of the days.

The main issue with the mob is the indicator is bugged as youā€™re supposed to Line of Sight the cast to not die from it, which is hard to do when you donā€™t know who itā€™s on.


Some people are going overboard with the complaining, but I do feel like Dragonflight is a little too emotional. A good story requires balance and in the case of this expansion, I think it leans too far away from edginess and the brutality and too far towards catharsis and pathos. Warcraft, at its best, juggled all of these qualities.

Some of the emotional beats of Dragonflight are good. Iā€™ll even argue that a lot of them are good. Examples of this include:

  • The trauma of the red dragon, Veritistrasz.
  • The regrets and the passing of Duroz Scaletaker.
  • The realisation that Neltharionā€™s legacy is poisonous.
  • The unification of the scattered Blue Dragonflight.

However, thereā€™s a lot more of this, a lot of stories that revolve around reconciliation, renewal, regret and catharsis, to the point where it feels like oversaturation, even if some of it is good. Hereā€™s a few more examples which arenā€™t high quality, but arenā€™t egregious on their own either.

  • The introduction to the Tuskarr of Iskaara and how they mourn their dead.
  • Eternus wrestling with the loss of her sister and Nozdormu helping her cope with it.
  • The Niffen grappling with loss of so many friends and family after Fyrakkā€™s attack.
  • Lilian Voss helping Shandris Feathermoon deal with her trauma.

It doesnā€™t stop there. Even in the most minor content and idle banter between NPCs, Dragonflight seems fixated on loss, trauma and how we should deal with it.

  • I know at least one NPC who is dealing with the loss of a pet, I think thereā€™s another one somewhere too.
  • Mankrik has moved on from the death of his wife and is seeking new romance.
  • Aethas Sunreaver seeks to move past the events of the Purge and reconcile with Jaina Proudmoore.
  • The gradual reconciliation between Alexstrasza and Vyranoth, each of whom feels betrayed by the other.

I get it, this is clearly a theme of the expansion so it deserves to get focus, but itā€™s gotten enough focus that itā€™s started to feel a little stifling - and Iā€™m not even one of those ā€œugh where is the war in my warcraftā€ types. Sometimes it feels like the game is trying to give me therapy that I never asked for, or that thereā€™s a high-ranking writer who is using the game as an outlet for their own issues.

Thereā€™s probably more examples if I combed through the entire expansion and put in way more effort than a forum post deserves, but hopefully twelve examples off the top of my head are enough to make it clear that Dragonflight has given ā€œemotional issuesā€ a huge amount of attention, even if you disagree that itā€™s a problem.

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(Ok, didnā€™t realise the Great Vault is actually kind of that ā€˜You should get some piece of guarenteed lootā€™ mechanic. Itā€™s been a while. So thereā€™s gonna be three choices for LFR after reset, so thatā€™s decent at least!)

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