Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

Hell, Vyranoth was a perfect candidate for this sort of response, she’s had thousands of years to stew in, from her point of view, a deep trauma of a lot of Dragons deciding to go with the Titans. But. . .then she just. . .became a good guy. . .became alright with being an Aspect (an inherently Titan thing), and even took a blessing from a Titan (Azeroth).


I think the issue is that it’s not given anywhere near as much depth. We’re given an idea of the motivation of the Druids of the Flame and while it’s understandable, it’s not explored in any detail and it’s full of holes. I mean, the Dragonflights go out of their way to create a new home for the night elves and protect it, so… Why wouldn’t they bless it after the fact, once they have their Aspectral power again, thereby granting the night elves the power necessary to protect their home?

Why would these people motivated by the desire to claim immortality once more choose to side with Fyrakk and seek to burn the world, rather than try to earn that blessing from the Aspects who granted it in the distant past and are on the cusp of regaining their lost power? The logic just isn’t there, in my eyes.

Provided that worldsouls are still inherently Titanic, which they might not be. We’ll see what direction Blizzard takes them in.

For the DotF in this instance, because Nozdormu already refused to give it. None of the Aspects blessed Teldrassil originally, and then when Cataclysm rolled around, only Alex and Ysera did - Nozdormu went nahhhh.

It’s not unreasonable for those who feel betrayed by the Aspects to go “why bother trying to ‘earn’ it when he already said no? Screw that guy, we’ll take it for ourselves.”

As for why they didn’t bless Amirdrassil…

/shrug, no answer. They should’ve offered, Tyrande should have declined, and there should be a schism because of it.

-Looks at the Pre-made Groups for Raids for the first time in forever-

… Those sure are words. And some numbers. Uh. Uuuuhh…

I’ll be dead in the cold, dark ground before I acknowledge whatever-the-hell it is that Danuser has been trying to do with Worldsouls. Azeroth herself has referred to herself as a Titan before.

Honestly, David Kossak’s (at the time speculation) is probably what I’d still like to see personally:
“It’s too late. Azeroth will never wake up. He was the Titan’s last hope.
…But a bit of his spirit dwells within every hero of Azeroth, every mage who picked up a wand, every warrior who took up a blade, every champion from any world who took root in Azeroth and decided to defend it as their home.
We mortals are all that stands between the Light and oblivion, but so long as this world is our home we’re lit from within by the heroic spirit of a dormant Titan.”

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Todd has suffered a quick decline.
Like Ikit he’s removed himself from his bed and is lying in front of it. He’ll be gone soon.


Condolences if so :pensive: at least there will always be snacks and frolicking at rainbow bridge.

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Slow down? No! Fast fast fast!

I’m sorry my dude.


So sorry to hear :frowning: my condolences and hugs.


You do lfr to get gear to get into normal but normal groups want at least a full set of heroic gear to accept you for a “quick, smooth run” and heavens, hells and Far Realm help you if you try to make your own group to power through in spite of this; the hard won unity shattering on the first wipe, demanding another 30 minutes to get enough people to wipe again.

Get gear to get better gear until you can find a comfortable ceiling where progression is cut off entirely by the community.


love the dialogue options sometimes

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The writers really understand the tone of 40k (‘obviously you have to murder the heretic but what do you say while you do it’ is spot on grimdark)

I had some spending money so I picked it up, immediately fell in love with almost every companion I could listen to Pascal read the phone book

“Why don’t more people Raid?!”

-Applies for Normal Amirdrassil
-Passable iLvl. Have run through all available LFR wings to not be going in blind
-Left unanswered until timer expires
-See groups hitting 2/4/14 and off they go

Hmn, a mystery for the ages :thinking:

“LFR isn’t real raiding!!”
If so, it doesn’t matter, because it’s all that some people can do because it removes the gatekeepy frustrating :upside_down_face:

Edit: Yeah, people don’t get to whinge about LFR ‘not being real raiding’ anymore. The pre-mades is the most cryptic and obtuse nonsense going :joy: No mention of if there’s iLvl requirements, any other pre-reqs beyond Curve (which is no use to people trying to get their foot in the door), it’s like shouting into the void and not even getting an echo back.


Somebody who shall remain nameless (It was Leo AGAIN) peed on my bed.


Gonna guess his antibiotic illness is acting up.

I’m going nicegay Iconoclast mostly but some of the Dogmatic options are so tempting. I do wonder just how Chaos-wild the Heretic route goes.

If you’re a dps, then there’s 50 people in the same spot as you.

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Even more so as melee (if you (reader of post) play melee).

PvE PuGs are generally just bother because people don’t want to be inconvenienced so they look for a mix of people who playing what’s “good”, are overgeared, don’t share loot with the group lead and ideally have already cleared the content.

It’s annoying because it means it isn’t particularly pick up and play and climbing that mountain to gear can be pretty demotivating at times. I’m a big keystone enthusiast and even at 470ilvl, 2.5k rating I’ve had nights where I’m sat applying to keys for an hour and a half without success.

Passable is good, but there’s no real incentive for people to help you. It’d be cool if they changed that and offered up rewards for helping people in first time clears. FFXIV gives bonus currency, iirc. It’s a good idea.

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stuck in a DC loop on my nelf rogue, charaxcter unstuck services not working.

Oh joy.

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The same can be said for “Why don’t people just push more keys???” unless you have a group of friends or a guild it’s hard nowadays to get into raids without curve or 2.5k Rio or whatever fancy smancy the kids these days use.