Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

Cloak of shadows allows you to cheat mechanics so try using that

canā€™t log in long enough to use it unfortunately.

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Also, every key I do past +5 has some impatient piece of [pie] quit halfway due to His Majesty suffering one intolerable wipe or just to troll the newbs, immediately ruining the key.

We had a EB+15 with a guy going AFK right before first boss, didnā€™t say anything until we asked his pally friend. Got told he had to emergency AFK due to his kid, which fair nuff.

Go do 2 bosses + trash while this guys AFK, he comes back and we have 2 wipes on Sol due to terrible rng on ice and arcane phase (I am no fan of the rework but CM mode still stronk in me) and they both leave. We still had time to time the key (barely) but thanks for wasting our time jerks while we patiently continued with ONE guy AFK for most of a key.

But no guys you just gotta push more keys!!!

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I have unkind memories of doing the cathedral in legion, the premade team of dps and tank joining as one to berate the rest of us through the dungeon, occasionally switching to french to say even more vile things. When we reached the final boss, they both quit (ever a team) but not before pulling the boss so that we died to him for one final middle finger.

And no, we werenā€™t even a bad group. Just a couple of trolls having a good evening insulting randoms and ruining our keys, their own gear and stats in a safe place.

Iā€™m going mostly Iconoclast too, but generally heā€™s a sniper whoā€™s just So Tired, So Godsdamn Tired, I Just Wanted To Crime Lord In Peace

I didnā€™t take the dialogue options that have you basically say ā€œno I donā€™t want to be a rogue traderā€ but I secretly hoped that it gave you a non-standard game ending. Like ā€œokay, you donā€™t wanna play? Credits roll, start over with a character that ACTUALLY wants to play this campaign.ā€


ā€œLord-Captain, the Drukhari have stolen this systemā€™s sun.ā€

[Lord-Captain looks painfully into the camera]

Kinda funny because I have the complete opposite experience. I have admittedly limited memories from WoD outside of the jump over flame circles mechanic(i was bad, shy and too poor to buy a CM boost) where I recall just hating the dungeon in general, but I find it pretty tolerable with the rework. The council boss is an atrocious Tyrannical experience, mind you.

The worst part of this is that even if in these scenarios you do time the key, the guys who left are still eligible for loot. I know they do it so that premades canā€™t kick pugs to deny them loot and itā€™s the better of the two options, but it still stinks when the leavers get loot.

First boss is more weird than anything else, and third boss is brutal, but itā€™s a fine enough dungeon

(council is either easy enough or a nightmare depending on how much access to ranged interrupts you have)

Oh god, how ****ing difficult is it to contact a ****ing GM to unstick my character on this ****ing game?!

None of the automated solutions work, I want to make a ticket.

I just saw someone online say that people need to acknowledge atheophobia - that is, discrimination against atheists - more.

And while there may or may not be a discussion to be had there, deploying the (probably technically correct) term ā€œatheophobiaā€ just made me want to shove them in a locker.

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You canā€™t blame an Archon for wanting to give their favourite courtesan-sans-toxinmaker a cute little gift, come on now

Got into an actual Progression/Learning Normal. Decent group. Great leader.

Got up to Smolderon. Did wipe. Leader had to go.
Got more people. Managed to progress. Tindral wasnā€™t too bad. Lose some more people, end up with what Iā€™d call typical PuG raiders.

But we finally brute forced Fyrakk down (I dunno how much gold I spent in repairs over today lol) and progress. Is. Mine!
Now to go get the shiny armour ^^


The +10 to +17 range is full of terrible people. The sooner you can approach 20s the better you are off at finding people who are actually competent.

Thereā€™s a reason those people rot in the keys they rot in.

Yeah well I am the trash rotting in the 10-17 range since I canā€™t get out and Iā€™m better off letting my keys degrade to a +2 for low effort loot vaulting. If I ever got to 20, Iā€™d be too trash at the actual game to survive.

this is how you end up in Commorragh

Rogue Trader bug: The Master Tactician Press the Advantage feature applies to psyker powers but does not get ā€˜consumedā€™ by them.

This means that if - for example - Cassia is a Master Tactician, her damage can scale up incredibly fast during combat thanks to Lidless Stare, and lasts for the entire fight, only getting bigger and bigger, so long as she never makes a weapon attack (and with her navigator powers, she doesnā€™t have much reason to).

Take advantage of this while you can, if you care to, Iā€™m sure itā€™ll get patched 'forelong.

Council boss was always a terrible experience, Tyrannical just makes it outright awful and I would prefer waterboarding to it. Doubly so when 1 DPS is AFK and I am competing with 4-set 470+ Ret in 440odd gear and no tier :skull:

New Sol fight is just idk, I am no fan. Accidently step in anything and you will be YOINKED from halfway across the field, Arcane phase will always yoink you and if youā€™re not far enough out you get frozen if coupled with the Ice. I prefer the dodge stuff and jump flowers personally.

They shouldā€™ve reworked Tree boss instead. Heā€™s still a snoozefest.

We didnā€™t even get to Yalnu/last boss, they just up and left after 2 wipes while we were sweating our balls off killing council and trash with one man down.

The loot is a less issue, still annoying but I am used to awful or just bad players getting loot as is. Just wanted the rating for my vault :weary:

As an atheist, Iā€™ve been on the receiving end of that and can see where theyā€™re coming from.