Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

I did a quest that was supposed to send me to a place and instead the game kicked me out.

Logging back in, my character was falling in a formless void but soon enough I could see something far below. As it gained more shape through the distant haze, I recognised the eastern kingdoms as you might see them on the world map, rushing up towards me.

Falling and falling, I soon came to see the shape of the thandol span approaching at an alarming rate. I must’ve fallen for three minutes straight before landing gracefully by the dwarf house on the eastern arathi coast.

Whatever this was, it bypassed the usual skybox ceiling and I got to experience Azeroth from the equivalent of space.


Admit your mistakes quicker and give me my DLC!


bring me my playable Neferata/Silver Pinnacle faction already CA you cowards


Give me Wissenland and the college of Nuln therein. I have Nurglings to blow up.

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bring me Nefarata’s head

(praying for Tamurkhan and Elspeth von Draken in April)


Neferata + Emmannuelle von Liebwitz Lord pack for the unrivaled unhinged girlboss DLC

beats your smelly mummy bum up

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IDK what they did with Nakai but he steamrolls even on hard difficulty pretty easily from 20 turns onwards.

She wouldn’t be a lord. She throws parties and funnels money. It’ll be Elspeth and maybe Bruckner as a hero for them/the Empire.
Also hoping for Malakai Makaison. He’s a professor in Nuln and the dwarves are part of the update.

Obviously, but she ought to give a neat High Elf-ish Influence mechanic to the faction - just like Neferata’s faction should get - as they’re both political masterminds extraordinaire. Emmannuelle is only as much in the more recent lore, Neferata meanwhile just flat out controls the leadership of the Empire’s spy network for starters

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I expect to be in the vampire counts update.
If she’s not, I’m going to riot.
I need the stand off with Khalida whilst sending agents into the Empire to puppet them. Hopefully she won’t spread vampiric corruption and instead be a strange entity with nice unique mechanics. A man can dream.

But Empire, Nurgle and Dwarfs come first.
I’m wondering if it’ll be Kraka Drak (relatively thin on lore but they did well enough with Cathay) or something like Karak Azul.
Or Malakai as a Nakai style lord, gifting settlements to Empire/dwarfs for money and crud.

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pseudo HE influence mechanic, vampire den sort of mechanic like Skaven Undercity, recruit units from factions of cities you have those in, et voila - fairly easy to conjure up something flavourful and true to the character with mechanics that already exist!

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When the player plays him or the AI plays him? I’ve not touched WH:3 in a while but he always has been a pretty powerful hero!

Edit: Do you still need to babysit the whole of your vassal faction as Nakai? Cause good lord that was annoying.

Me, doing the quest to empower allies with the Horn of Cenarius: “Ooh, there’s Wrathion fighting a whole group of Primalists with his dragon breath, I’ll go buff him”

The game:


No you you just right click the enemy and they die to an endless swarm of temple guard, kroxigor and horned ones, + Nakai and 2-3 heroes you bring along.

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Guess I’m bringing forth the Lizard-tide once more… the world shall drown underneath a horde of dinosaurs…

Gods, this.

Empire needs more special Lords/Heroes and you not to get penalised for the dumb A.I. getting its head kicked in when there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it (usually by Beastmen, but honestly by any of the eastern factions too)

The Dwarves need a ‘special mechanic’ overhaul.
Grudges suck. No, no, sit DOWN, they do and it needs to be said! They totally remove player agency! If the damn Urks and Grobbi can have a mechanic where THEY choose where they’re going to spread their 'orrible filth, it’s only fitting the Dawi get to pick who really needs a damn good Grudging! So 'tis writter, so it should be! -slams hammer down-

I tried playing Norsca to see if it really was as bad as people kept saying.

Personally I didn’t feel like that, I was playing on the Troll king and got into like turn 79 and I wanted to cmmit to Nurgle fully, only to realize all the chaos gods were suddenly omega pissed at me (save for nurgle).

Which also meant that all the other chaos that had previously let me tear up Kislev and the following regions now turned on me.

After that my campaign kind of just ran out of steam.

I have to say thought that the Tomb Kings have felt really fun to play. I started with the Exiles of Nehek and I was basically running everyone down with just mass lines of skeleton spearmen + ushabti greatbows. Threw in some temple guards and it was a done deal.

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Tomb Kings are, to me, much more fun than Vampire Counts. No struggling for corruption, resources or any of the mess that is the Eastern Empire.

Nehekara. Is. Inevitable.

It seems to have been retconned by omission, but, Warcraft: Adventures revealed that Blackmoore was indeed from Alterac, and that perhaps even large parts of Hillsbrad had been parts of Alterac before Lordaeron’s annexation of their lands, which would explain how Alterac and Stromgarde would’ve had wars and skirmishes with one another in their pasts.

What an awful choice.
Settra or Khalida are the only options. Khatep is lame.