Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

-sighs, pinching bridge of my nose-

This. Is why. You have a Story Bible and you stick to it, otherwise all your lore has a high chance of winding up stupid.

Gods, I wish Blizzard had half the gonnads to do what Riot have done and gone “Yeah, nah, we messed up and there’s now like five variants of the lore/canon, time for us to hammer it into one proper canon, buckle up.”


I’d agree with this were I not afraid that by doing so they would actually make the entire thing worse and remove any interesting nuance that still exists.


Legends vs canon, star wars style with the weird bits we can’t make sense of being awkward scholarly conjecture tainted by cultural and religious biases.

Frames on my glasses just broke. They’re not unwearable (might even be fixable with some glue), will be able to manage just fine 'til I get replacements, but that’s a mildly annoying expense to have to pay for.

I am about 2-3 years late for my regular eyetest though, so I guess this is as good a reason as any to get around to that.

Then they added palpatine clone stuff back anyway! Extremely silly.


Creating legends basically gave Disney carte blanche to take what they wanted from it and add it to canon with their own spin whenever they wanted to.

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I’m not saying they did it well. Justice for Katarn!

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I will forever advocate for Kyle Katarn simply because I spent an inordinate amount of time roleplaying on Jedi Academy.

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Kyle Katarn was baby’s first super special Original Character (do not steal) writ large for an entire slew of late-20s to mid-30s people and I will always make fun of him for that.

his story is mostly hot garbage

but he does it in style and that’s why we love him


Kyle Katarn is definitely baby’s first OC whose player can’t decide what to do with him

he fights a dinosaur dark jedi and that’s very cool

Drow is even worse.

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The only bit of Drow we need to know how to say is: yes, mistress and thank you, mistress


Xas, Jabbress.

Bel’la dos, Jabbress!



“Shandris, what are ‘humans’?”

“Oh, they’re some of the most powerful mages on Azeroth, and have built a city-state specifically to learn more magic.”


“Alongside the Zandalari, who we have known about for tens of thousands of years.”



Cue fundamentalist elunatics trying to drop Dalaran from the skies with glaive throwers and chimaera riders.


Night Elves should’ve left the Alliance during Wrath to side with Malygos for the Nexus War.


Malfurion would pull us out as soon as Ysera told him, “this ain’t it chief” :pensive:

We mourn for what might have been. What should have been.

It’s okay I’d just make him take another nap, problem avoided. In fact, wasn’t he asleep at the time? I don’t remember. Seems like you could say yes and 90% of the time you’d be right without any other context clues.

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He woke up in cataclysm-era IIRC


around the time the lich king died. coincidence???