Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

Probably! DH spectral sight would kick in and then normal sight cuz MAGIC 'n all that.

demon hunters often blind themselves before they gain Spectral Sight (the ritual to show the extent of the Legion prior to binding the demon usually makes them claw their own eyes out) so either it wouldn’t make a difference or they would use some kind of synaesthetic spectral senses, like advanced echolocation

The primary NElf-centric complaints around Legion I remember were:
Maiev being forgiven way too easily by Jarod etc. (this is valid)


The voice actor for that one NElf at the start of Val’sharah who was really high pitched
Tyrande and Illidan having no conversations at all at the end of Nighthold (this is hilarious)

Unknown status of the Moonguard remnants after the Suramar quests.

And there were some people who were peeved that Tyrande snubbed Illidan’s pity party crystal after he stayed behind at the Seat of the Pantheon (this was also hilarious, and good writing).


Yes, you basically ‘sacrifice’ your eyes as part of the ritual, you stab them out with a special blade supposedly ( in other lore pieces it was said you’d claw out your own eyes because of the visions you saw ). That’s why I thought it was an interesting question.

I did actually play a demon hunter who bonded with a felbat and as a result was even blinder than usual - wore a big face plate and relied on his hearing.

I wouldn’t want to speculate too much on the specifics since I’m not blind myself but it’s a cool place to explore

Lest we forget, “you scratch my back, I’ll claw yours!”

Some contrast to the measured version of the character in WoD, which by the way introdued this weird elune moonwell ritual putting her in a “one Elune across all timelines/planets” deal, the same as the legion.

Elune is a demon, confirmed.

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Nothing has gone well for Elune since like…I’ll say Ysera’s death. Everything since then has sucked for her writing.

Yes I’m including “Elunaria” or whatever that place was in the Argus Raid.

Edit: Remembered that she was meant to be involved with Xe’ra somehow. I know it was only a ‘suggestion’ and not confirmed (though probably is now) but yeah I’ll say Legion as a whole was a bad time for Elune’s position in the narrative.

Yeah, I definitely liked Elune better when she was just associated with Azeroth’s moon instead of being some kind of uber cosmic creator of the naaru or whatever.

Old Blizzard seemed not to have decided what she actually was. New Blizzard seems to have decided, but unfortunately, they have decided on utter crap that nobody wanted.

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Whosoever points out Elune’s sister is a robot and so is she shall be thrown from the upper boughs of Amirdrassil.

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Elune could be many things, but any answer given is going to be a letdown

Nature Naaru made of glowing leaves like a giant christmas wreath.

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Deadbeat mother.

Even associating Elune with nature at all feels like a mistake/misstep honestly.

NElves having two pillars of Elune and Nature as separate things felt good, and worked with their original gender-split between male druids and female priestesses.

Associating Elune at all with Nature/Life/whatever is blergh, and feels entirely like it was born out of mechanics rather than the original intended narrative.

Druids should have never had a Moonfire spell.

I agree. “Elune is part of the Pantheon of Life” is a Shadowlands retcon, and a very blatant one. She was not associated with Life before.

It further homogenizes night elf culture and makes them more one-note.

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Thisalee Crow’s voice acting was absolutely criminal, and I mean that entirely seriously. How. WHY. These are not questions, just statements of abject despair.


Hype: Arcane Season 2 teaser. Oh boy, IT’S OUR BOY, I’M HOPING THAT’S WHO I THINK HE IS!!

Peeve: Gotta wait til November :<

That’s the wrong NElf, sorry.

I meant this person. Turns out she has the same VA as Brightwing in HotS and you can tell. She shows up at the very very start of the Val’sharah quests after you ride Malfurion, with a few voiced lines that people were clowning on.

Though perhaps not as much as Malfurion’s “NooooOoooo”

There’s more of them?!

Either way, yeah, it was a bad time for voice acting, regardless. WoW has been hit and miss across the board for that, though. I guess we got subjected to the Nightmare dungeon more, so it sore-thumb stood out more, heh.

I like thisalee’s character a lot though, even if her voice can be a little much

I woke up with a headache, I am also exhausted.


At least idiot is okay, he starts his pills tomorrow (vets orders to start him on Sat)


This is what you’re getting and night elf priests will still be using Light, damnit!