Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

Well no, at some point I was in a different apartment with I think some names from AoE2 in it and they were really worried looking out of the windows, cuz you could see the building swaying (comically, like a 150 degree arc) a lot and I’d be like ‘haha it’s fine it’s just wind or something don’t worry’

And the next moment I was outside watching the building get swept away, so it was probably like the other catastrophe dreams where I die and immediately get reborn at a different place (and time). What’s interesting about this is that I usually got those fun dreams while under old meds, which I don’t take any more.

I think - from seeing ppl talk about them - I saw someone faceshop the crying cat onto a femroth face and I thought ‘wow that looks rly weird’ thinking that was the real femroth. Then I saw the real femroth and I wasn’t sure if I saw a real pic or false before.

Not gonna lie, I’m generally not a fan of the ‘large body tiny head’ designs, which it seemed to have (I think the hroth people have that anyway in ff universe? never played it x)

i want a lion lady gf

oh my god he’s a nili’s apartment cup 5 participant

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I played a few more hours and I’m even more upset at the voice for Clive…

Who directed this?? The man can act very well!!

I know very little about Eberron, but the overall feeling I got is that its author prefers tight and controlled worldbuilding, which is fundamentally at odds with the kind of kitchen sink, everything-goes setting that’s implied if we take everything ever written in every 5e sourcebook to exist in the same world.

For people who want a kitchen sink setting, Forgotten Realms is right there. I think it’s entirely valid for a worldbuilder to say that some things from the sourcebooks, maybe even most things from the extra sourcebooks, simply don’t exist in their world (because a world where all these things exist as written is indistinguishable from Forgotten Realms).

Probably not if the world is an official Dungeons & Dragons ® branded product. Unfortunate.

Eberron and FR differ the most to me in one major aspect: There’s no time advancement.

Every time a new D&D edition comes out, FR gets an update and shoved along a hundred years or so in the timeline. Every event and adventure (such as Descent into Avernus or Rime of the Frostmaiden) becomes ‘canon’ in one way or another, ditto for the novels (to a greater or lesser degree).

Eberron’s backstory is static though. Regardless of what edition you play, the ‘standard’ conceit is that your adventure starts on the first of Eberron-January, 998, two years after The Last War officially ended.

It’s also definitely intended to be written as more ‘closed off’ from the multiversal shenanigans than FR is for sure. While you can bring stuff over, it’s definitely written as more closed instead of open.

Ultimately the creator has said that Eberron is what you make of it, and even his own campaigns/works in the setting differ from official canon. There’s also a lot of gaps and openings to insert your own canon in.

One of the largest ones is the Mourning - a cataclysmic event four years prior to the ‘campaign start’ time where a nation was wiped off the map. No one knows what caused it, there’s no canon cause, and that uncertainty is what drove the surviving countries to declare an end to the Last War (they didn’t want to risk it happening a second time), but the opportunity is there for DMs/players to create their own cause (and, indeed, what Cyrans still survive each have their own theories).

The Eberron game I’m currently running is going to have it caused by a Ring of Absolute Wishes when a little girl wished for ‘an end to the war’.

Another one I ran for a bit but which died, it was going to have been caused by one of the Dragonmarked houses that use airships, entirely because the destruction of Cyre would blot out a crucial land-travel path, meaning a larger profit for them as people and businessess were forced to rely on them instead of the lightning rail trains.

That’s mostly off topic and I just wanted to gush a little. Eberron is pretty kitchen sink-y in that you’ve got a huge variety of genred stories on offer and it still includes all the major races, it’s just that they had to slightly adjust when the core races changed between 3.5e and 5e.

Hrothgar defining feature is their faces go like :F

Give them fangs

i would approve of them having chompers and im sure modding will fix this within days so i am contented :relieved:

Something about their face just looks off to me. Very stiff and lifeless?

I saw someone rail against incest in fiction while being into gore and cannibalism.
Dipped out on that one.

Can’t wait for a surge of female hrothgar in RP, making their supposed rarity one of those lore facts that I basically have to mentally headcanon away if RP is to make any sense, right there with “half of Eorzea’s population is illiterate” and “Goldshire is a completely normal mining and logging village”.

(But seriously, they’re cool!)

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Always remember, for the sake of your immersion, that players represent only a fraction of the real population of Etheirys, and that your OC probably interacts with way more ‘common’ race/gender combos on their day-to-day business while you’re not actively RPing them. Same rule applies with WoW and the likes of void elves.

“There’s totally not enough High Elves for us to make them a functional/allied race!
By the way, here, have this very specific group of researchers who messed with Void stuff, then got thrown out of Silvermoon and chose to join the Alliance because reasons, who have even LESS reason to gain new members then the Forsaken, lol, lmao.”



Think their mouths need to be a touch wider too.

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People who make ‘Humanity first’ videos, with mashed up Avatar (humans only), 40K or whatever footage, and comment sections full of the most thinly veiled of supremacist takes, all need putting on watch lists. Good grief.


What will you tell St. Peter at the Gates, Elenthas?

I regret nothing. If god would damn me, then he damns himself and his creation.



[‘high elves who went through the dark portal with alleria, adapted to the void and now return to the alliance’ would have been a much better origin for the void elves]


thigh elves

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We should have had Krokul/Broken.

The devs are just cowards.

I have wanted to play a high elf paladin specifically since TBC please just let me have this single W