Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

Oh, I don’t disagree. High Elves absolutely should be/have been an Allied Race.
But the ‘Void Elf’ slot belonged to Broken, and we were robbed.

No, get owned



I’m thinking about getting back to GW2, but every time I do, it feels intimidating.

Back in the day (2013–2014), I played through the entire vanilla personal story, then bought Heart of Thorns when it came out but didn’t play it, since the RP scene dwindled back then and I had no motivation to stay in the game anymore. But from what I’ve heard, apparently it’s much harder than the base game? And whenever I log in, I’m showered with loot and feel like a lot of new mechanics have been added to the game that aren’t really explained. And there’s so much story to play through by now.

Mostly I want a fun story that I can play through without fretting about the gameplay too much. Though maybe that particular ship sailed as soon as I picked elementalist and ended up dying a lot on later vanilla personal story missions and especially in living world season 2.


Just google ‘GW2 easiest / most overpowered class’ and go from there

But leveling a new class from scratch? I’m kind of attached to my sylvari elementalist, who was my RP main back then.

AU where she’s got dual pistols :gun: :gun:

Okay, you correctly guessed her gender. But there was a chance you’d guess it wrong!


I’ve never seen you mention an OC that wasn’t fem, so I assumed. I’m allowed to assume, straighties aren’t.

That’s not how it works in my value system, though I realize you’re probably being ironic here.

For what it’s worth, I have played male NPCs like Lintian’s father, but only as NPCs, not focus characters. And I’ve played nonbinary characters in D&D. A whole… whopping… one!

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Play Asura Necromancer!

You’ll probably have a level boost in a birthday gift stashed somewhere.

A Padjal Koralash?

giving them a level of status they definitely do not have

Koralash is Just Some Guy to the dracthyr

Now I want “Some Guy” to be a title ingame.

It really is not harder than the base game. I recommend starting from scratch so that you can remember how the game plays, but if you just equip soldier gear or whatever, open world will not matter once you get to the expansion.

Don’t listen to people posting about HoT being giga hard since Anet nerfed the place. It’s like listening to DF takes from ppl who have not played the game since WoD.

In the continuation of ‘It’s nearly Monday, so-’, I present the following.

Software Generated Imaging grifters/defenders, particularly those who spend multiple threads worth arguing with art/industry professionals to the depth of a shallow puddle of excrement and with the general tune of “Nuh uh!” when presented with evidence need firing into the Sun.
I do not care anymore. It’s been absolute hell in art circles the past few years, and I shouldn’t be feeling grateful that my Animation degree didn’t work out or lead anywhere, because the alternative would have been such a bullet to take…

Edit: I think 2024 is the year where any ‘counter’ of “Well, you’re being rude!” will be met with bass-boosted reverb fart sounds, or the verbal/written equivelant thereof.


Do you think there’s a Day Warrior ritual for An’she.

Stand in the Barrens sunlight for the whole day in the peak heat of summer months.