Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

i am ashamed of my words and deeds

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Mattis the Cruel? Mattis the Justified…

That’s stupid. Charging extra for making the game more lore-accurate? Who is their target audience?

As for names, it’s not just Mell’s name. None of the Elvish names in this game feel like Elvish to me, they feel like remashings of Tolkien character names, with most of them not making sense. “Gwendil” is a particularly weird mishmash between two languages, as an initial gw- only occurs in Sindarin (e.g. Gwaihir) while -ndil only occurs in Quenya (e.g. Elendil).

But then, they apparently hired lore experts for the Sindarin voice pack, so maybe they know something I don’t know. Or maybe they hired them after they named the characters.

They clearly tried to reference the books, from what little I’ve learned so far. For example, this Tengwar inscription in an elven ruin in Mirkwood:,h_707,q_70,strp/vlcsnap_00043_by_cassiethomas_dgacwto-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9ODAwIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMjcwMTE4MTctNzQyNy00YzVlLWI3ZjktMDc5OTI2MjE2NmRlXC9kZ2Fjd3RvLWM1Y2IyNzM3LWZhNTgtNDE0Yy05NWFmLTIyODc0ODhmN2M0Zi5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTI4MCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.G0PEqhiw4HdsBdHd8GwMbGvuTZ4fo2PoGjgjPMqf350

It’s the last two lines of “Namarie”, Galadriel’s song in Quenya in Fellowship of the Ring.

And I admit that reading a walkthrough now, I like the premise of the game, seeing Middle-earth through the eyes of not an uber-hero, but a weak, wretched, deformed person rejected by anyone because of deeds of his own making, but still with some good in him. It makes you feel sorry for him, which is what Tolkien wanted. Pity the execution was so bad.


The developers of Vampire the Masquerade have released a free document about bleed and how it influences roleplayers and roleplaying.

While it’s designed for a tabletop game, I think something like it would be very useful for Argent Dawn roleplayers. An excerpt:

Bleed is a phenomenon where character emotion affects player emotion and vice versa. It happens quite commonly at roleplaying tables, even when we’re not aware of it. Most people who have played roleplaying games have probably experienced it at least to a mild degree, and for many it contributes to the general enjoyment of roleplaying. It’s fun to feel scared by the Storyteller’s descriptions, or thrill to the triumphs of your character.

By itself, bleed is not a good or a bad thing. It’s a neutral phenomenon that can affect us in different ways depending on the situation. Like many things in life, it may cause trouble when it gets out of hand, but can be enjoyable in moderation.

Consider your own experiences with roleplaying games. Have you felt bleed, i.e. have you felt emotions that originated from the fictional circumstances of your character, or have you made your character act a certain way because of the emotions you were feeling as a player?

Some people might consider it unnecessary, but I find the document’s approach a lot healthier than “anyone who lets ic bleed into ooc or vice versa is bad at rp.”


Considering VtM’s fairly significant LARP scene, it’s definitely something to bear in mind.

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Peak Velen was him sitting in a recliner for all of BfA just watching everyone else in the Alliance war shed talk nonsense politics. Unironically a man we should all aspire to be more like.

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Grandpa’s watching his stories (the global war he is no longer helping in).

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Bleed is a serious problem that needs a nuanced approach. I know I’m susceptible to it and have to consciously be on my guard and take breaks from RP when it happens.

LARP is even worse because it’s physical and embodied. I know LARPers who ended up outright losing themselves in their characters’ identities and eventually assuming them outside of games, at least among the like-minded.

I have finally encountered Aldru in the game. Another forumite to cross off the list.


I am an elusive creature, often found doing crime


Apart from Aldru, my recent encounters were with Lintian ( on alt), Alice, and Telaryn ( on alt). And then ofcourse Kump ( on alt). I also met Distantpeak a good while ago on alt, but can’t recall how long ago that was.


Tbh you did meet me on an alt. one day you will find the mains

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The true prize.

One Obahar has claimed back in SL, found me fishing no less

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Darn I actually forgot Obahar, met him on alt aswell. And Syelia on both main and alt this week at Everstill.

I’ve met Coldshade both in the wild and in my raids, Obahar and I think that’s who I’ve met by random chance of the former and current forum regulars.

Anyone finding me in the wild in-game can come say hi or fight me in the parking lot, both work ohohoho

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I actually met Coldshade aswell! There’s also Meruru ( old forumite who now plays other toons) , Obilot ( doesnt post as often), and Raes ( haven’t seen her in ages).

Rumour has it a certain undead cowgirl saw a certain purple ghost in Orgrimmar before Xmas.

I’m probably the most elusive forumite to see ingame.

Work is dead again today.

Came in to less work than think I’ve ever seen before. A half-dozen pieces (each taking maybe 20 mins) to spread across ten people.

It’s a good thing, I guess.

But maybe I should’ve brought a book to the office.