Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

in theory my wife should be able to apply for british citizenship now. but the system is so complicated post brexit idk how it works and i’m afraid to look


(squints eyes) Who were you?

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i feel like i see lintian everytime i log in these days.

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I saw her in the waking shores, even shouted oi at her.

The bleed in the first LARP I was in was such a strong and weird experience. Didn’t help that I hadn’t had much sleep the previous night. I pretty much thought “everybody hated me” as a person, not as a character (and not even that, tbf, the bleed was so -present- that it probably amplified the feelings even further). Fortunately there were OOC areas and I realized I could just go in there, breathe, talk with the staff who were all experienced LARP-goers. What an experience.

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tried to play lord of the rings online again because my friend spends his entire life harping on about it

it’s so hard to explain why it feels so bad to play, but the best way i can explain it is that it feels like playing an emulated version of a dead MMO where nothing quite feels as responsive as it should


There’s certainly a difference between “this emotional moment for my character made me tear up” vs “I’m mad now, my character is mad too!”.


Roleplaying by forcibly shifting my character’s mind across dimensions into my own body to ensure maximum legitimacy.

Conservatively I’d estimate that every single LARPer ever has genuinely felt their character’s emotions at least once, I’ve certainly cried when other people’s characters have died and had to decompress

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That can happen when anything is compelling.
LARP, a movie, a book.
We are emotional beings. And I like feeling feels. Most of the time.


It’s great

the only downside is when you are crying but have water-soluble facepaint around your eyes



sylvanas knows your pain


That sort of bleed is a negative thing, but the solution isn’t to use it for a gotcha moment and go “you mixed your ooc with your ic, you are bad roleplayer.”
Ideally, people should use that as an opportunity to try and support that player by roleplaying in a way that caters to them and will hopefully brighten their mood, or create distance and avoid roleplaying with that person until they’ve calmed down and no longer suffering from bleed, or point out that they’re suffering from bleed if you’re on good terms with them and encourage them to maybe take a breather before they continue roleplaying.
Though that last one could be used as an excuse for concern trolling, or seen as concern trolling even when it’s legitimate, so it’s the sort of thing that should be handled carefully.


god gives his strongest battles (smudgy eyes) to her strongest soldiers (hedgehogs who look really hot with black paint around the eyes)


Visit a quiet restaurant café hoping to relax, bumble into a telecom entrepreneur powermeeting loudly pitching plans for Q1 to Q4.

sorry that was me.

got my fingers crossed for a really strong financial year


I want to see hedgehogs with the racoon look now.

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Next time sit next to them and invite yourself into the meeting.

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to be fair we could really use leveys input on how we push out the new product line implementation earlier in Q3 so we can move that cashflow into this financial year instead of next

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have you tried circling back to it after a synergistic workshop