Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

The issue with the Scarlet Crusade in Gilneas, for example, isn’t so much an issue of ‘out with the old, in with the new’ but of them rehashing an old enemy that doesn’t make sense within the context. Scarlets wandering into Gilneas and claiming it isn’t really coherent with the story, where they’ve been slapped into the ground so many times now. They’re possibly the favourite dead horse to flog by Blizzard.

The Forsaken helping in order to right some of their previous wrongs might grind some gears (which I think is completely valid) but it’s also coherent with a story that began with the end of BfA, of a post-Sylvanas nation trying to recover from the dark path she took them down. It seems mostly that the presentation of it is shoddy; there should be more bitterness from Genn and his people, less willingness to unconditionally trust.

Of course, vanilla-era Forsaken with their spooky vibes were #1. I never was keen on the overly stylised Frankenstein’s Monster aesthetic their areas took on.


No, staying away from Mandervilles.

Isnt that more or less the only thing left to do?

I can live without doing it.

Will just pick up a new scythe from the market board, its what I’ve done this whole expac.

Then grind out my gear using tomestones.

I’m not caught up on the story, I’ve ignored the last few patches because it straight up doesn’t interest me, but I need to do before the next expac.

I’m gonna be that person and point out how blight is not the plague and consistently gets portrayed as something the forsaken mix in different forms to a purpose whilst grumbling over how it’s weak, diluted and how they’d rather be using plague.

Sometimes, big booms make places uninhabitable for a time until cleansing methods are used. Other times you, the hero, wades through the crap wth no more than a debuff. Its effect ranges from elephant’s foot to icky as the plot demands.

Also, they have plague eaters now.

The Light’s true chosen.

“We did it, Genn! We saved the city!”

Also land and naval superiority, controlling the majority of the world’s landmass with several island possessions and two of the world’s greatest ports.

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Future patch idea; the Bilgewater Cartel makes moves to reclaim Kezan, wanting to make amends Matthias “No Common” Shaw offers up intel and military assistance against the Defias Brotherhood who have holed up on the island.


which van cleef are we fighting this time

Akamito van Cleef


I wish the Forsaken would’ve just stayed away from Gilneas, and this is coming from an ex-Forsaken not a Forsaken IC roleplayer. One does not simply walk into the neighbour’s house, thrash everything, kill the homeowner’s son and later say “we can help with the cleaning? no? what do you mean no? we will help with the cleaning!!!”

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I know Blizzard are hitting the “UwU, we’re friends now” angle hard. But it would have been better to have the scenario play out as Alliance clearing out the bandits and whoever else that one quest from years ago had lurking there. While the Horde quest is simply you going around and burning down deathstalker posts and incriminating evidence for the Forsaken or something.

“btw the scarlet crusade controls gilneas” is lame and dumb


can’t believe the new scarlets are all enbies


they could have just had them liberating gilneas from a faction of sylvanas loyalists that have defected

that way the worgen still get to dunk the forsaken, the people who actually took their home from them, and the forsaken get to clean house and prove that they’ve moved on


Why did Turalyon fund the Scarlets just so they could fight against his own ally’s forces in Gilneas?
Is he stupid?


I can not quite place it, but I feel this reminds me of something from the real life!

and she was a good friend

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Funding terrorist groups and then being surprised when they’re terrorist groups, an American classic as old as apple pie


This could also actually make sense for Turalyon even if its really stupid. The guy was missing from Azeroth for how many decades?

I could see him being absolutely clueless and getting scammed by a Scarlet sympathizer, then going “Why are you all mad? They said they were good and served the Light??!”

Even if we want to keep/approach more peaceful terms, this could still be done very differently.

I could see and imagine that while Genn leads the charge to take back Gilneas, there is still the threat of that the Forsaken are next-door neighbors. He might not be able to forgive the past transgressions fully, even with Sylvanas gone.

So perhaps instead, as they clear out loyalist forces controlling Gilneas(Not Scarlets), Tess and Lorna get the task of trying to reach, not a full on peace/Alliance but atleast a ceasefire and truce with Calia. It would give them both something to do that would not put them at risk of potential plague as humans and let Tess do some things in preparation for her rule in the future. And give a way for the two factions to try and reach a pause in hostilities without jumping through massive logic hoops.

And if done in this way, would actually put the Alliance/Gilneas as not just reactionary to the Horde in their own story.

Trying to put my curtains up, they’re too wide for the inside of the window sill and I have to put them at the top and outside the 150cm gap.
Unfortunately, I, at my impressive 5’7"/171cm fall just short of being able to do so even while on a stool >:(

So I continue living in the luxury of using old furniture cardboard boxes as my curtains until I can either ask my brother to help or borrow a stepladder to be able to reach up. I truly am being repressed, suffering and so and so forth

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Haha, short

That is really annoying though, hope you get some assistance to get it done sooner rather than later.