Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

3 words in a book 15 years ago no doubt (this doesn’t invalidate it obviously but when you start thinking about said lore it topples everything like a jenga tower as per usual).

It was entertaining when we finished them off FOURTEEN YEARS AGO

killing scarlets is fun for the whole family

Oh sorry, forgot the time skip

seventeen years ago, the massacre is almost old enough to drink

If you’re gonna include Scarlets, at least put them somewhere it feels appropriate.

Gilneas’ reclamation has been teased and toyed with even since…well, Cata, so we’re over a decade on it, and then the enemy they choose when we finally get around to it is one that doesn’t have anything to do with them, and the Forsaken are on board with helping out, by way of…blight throwers.

It’s thematically dissonant. I can’t imagine any Gilnean players are happy with it, and Forsaken players likewise probably aren’t thrilled. There are enemies they could’ve picked for it that would’ve felt appropriate for a Gilneas storyline, but Scarlets ain’t it.

It feels like dropping Druids of the Flame as the next villains for Gnomeregan’s (repeated) reclamation, and also there’s a bunch of Darkspear witchdoctors here to help.


Being a Gilneas rp’er since I got to Argent Dawn back in 2013… yeah, letting the Forsaken help retake Gilneas by blighting the city -AGAIN- is a big OOOOOF.

Feral worgen and Forsaken holdouts waging mostly pointless battles over blighted soil

the players are forced to purge the gilnean landscape of warring noble factions and landowning houses


more like the forsakanarchists

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And like even if you desperately wanted the Forsaken (Calia) to ‘spearhead’ the Horde’s involvement in it (and you shouldn’t) there’s still a better way.

Have the Argents mediate.

Calia Menethil: The Argent Crusade has been at the forefront of tending to the blighted Plaguelands and rejuvenating the desecrated land. When I heard that King Greymane wanted to reclaim Gilneas, I offered our assistance.
Calia Menethil: He declined.
Calia Menethil: But I am no stranger to the ways of politics. He declined assistance from the Forsaken and the Horde. Since then I have been in contact with Lord Tyrosus, and they have agreed to mediate and serve as both chaperone and expertise on the expedition.
Calia Menethil: Your cover as an agent of the Crusade will be seen through immediately, do not expect a friendly welcome, but they are in no position to turn down the Argent’s help.
Calia Menethil: Try not to cause trouble.

It’s still not good! It’s still putting the Horde’s nose in where it shouldn’t be, but it at least establishes Calia as having some political chops and hearkens back to the Argent’s historical Plaguelands cleanup efforts.


Belmont gets dragged in because Tess leaned on their Uncrowned connection and he’s very grumpy about it

The more I think about it, the more Forsaken helping out by blighting the city again is the equavalent of the Japenese asking the US to help retake their homeland by dropping another nuke on it. Both scenarios make just as much sense.

Le sigh

I think that’s the plot of Oppenheimer 2

As someone who’s RP main for years was a Forsaken from Gilneas (this very priest) I am officially peeved by this writing.
Who did this?
I wish to wash their hair with cold water.


So much for the tolerant left.


I just realized that, at this point, Horde not only has magical, but seemingly also artillery superiority.

Reckon the Alliance gets a win soon? Besides a new tree?

I hurt my left wrist today
Guess it’s an off day

I want my city back…

I am personally of the belief now that Blizzard’s writing team is incredibly malicious in its nature, not blatantly, but enough that the other departments don’t immediately tug their leash and tell them to actually get in shape and start listening. A lot of Dragonflight’s storytelling, ironically much like Slands, has felt very eager to spit in the face of known stories in Warcraft and reduce them to rubble to build something new and different, without actually putting in any of the effort to make that happen.

It feels like a group of people who got their hands on some prestigious toys and scrapped them so they could make new, plastic toys they believe are better.

Hanlon’s razor.

The MCU/GoT-ification of WoW