Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

Where is it?

In other news, I have recently decided to replay an RPG from 2009 called Risen. It is developed by Piranha Bytes as the spiritual successor to the Gothic-series.

And it took me until now to figure out that one of the main characters is voiced by none other than Lena Heady, whom most of us known better as Cersei. Of which I am ashamed :frowning:

What I did know, and one of the reasons I often side with the Bandits instead of the Inquisition or Mages, is that the Bandit leader Don Esteban is voiced by none other than John-Rhys Davies, best known as Gimli!

I dunno, I just find it interesting to find out famous actors also having had stints as VAā€™s.


Need to get my undercut sorted, I have hair tickling the back of my neck.

Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s a cognitohazard to tell people about it.

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Iā€™ll just assume itā€™s Slough

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My brother lived in Slough for a year and said that the drive out of it was the best part

Iā€™ve finished reading Ursula Le Guinā€™s essays, and I find I have huge respect for her as a person. Sheā€™s sharp, insightful, genuine, and uncompromising, championing for artistic integrity, writing oneā€™s inner voice, without selling out, without succumbing to the pressures of fashion and fame, and always striving for quality.

Itā€™s disheartening that she isnā€™t there on every English language bookshelf in stores next to Tolkien, Dickens and Conan Doyle, while Joke Rowling is.

And Iā€™m sad I hadnā€™t read any of her novels until recently. They would have enriched my childhood.

In fact Rowling feels like some kind of dark reflection of Le Guin, the Saruman to her Gandalf.



My demons and I have an arrangement.

Everyone ought to!

I read the original Earthsea trilogy when I was like nine or ten and it set some pretty solid foundations about what I like and dislike about magic in fiction. Also probably the reason I got completely enamoured with Wind Waker.

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Used art to distract myself from irl drama
Also used the art to try and get a friend to write a somewhat crack-fic


BT-7274 x ADA (Jehuty) lets go

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I do not understand but Iā€™ll support silly ships no matter what


ADA (Jehuty):

I was actually curious if there were any BT fics, and there were a fair few with his pilot (obvs) but then I saw a crackfic about ā€œWhat if the four girls from Doki Doki Literature Club were isekaiā€™d into Titanfallā€ and I gotta respect the vision.


I devoured my demons to become the top demon.

I also have not slept since yesterday and Iā€™m still manic.

V Rising is quite fun. I feel the ā€˜It has to be set up like a server, when when soloā€™ thing is a bit of a pain, but so far Iā€™m doing passably.

Of course, I run into the typical ā€˜Now that Iā€™ve established my castle, explored a bit and am seeing more of the map, have found locations that would be better to build on.ā€™
I might see if I can rope friends into playing co-op (PVE only, cos lol. Lmao.) at some point.

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you can make more than one castle. I think the base setting is 2?

You can also take down your old castle and build somewhere else.

My current caste is in Dunley.

Sure, but itā€™d be nice if you could just teleport it, a la Castlevania (provided there was room of course) rather than having to hoy materials, particularly chest inventories, across the map, with all the dangers that can entail.

Random Tree gets up and tries to wreck your face

Iā€™ll be fine, the witches said not until Birnam Wood marches on my castle will I ever be in danger

[advisor whispers in my ear]

by talos this cannot be happening