Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

Just add the tree to your new hou… team :sunglasses:

better hurry


If I had the proportionate speed of a hedgehog I would probably be the Flash

little guys walk a mile a day

Little legs go fast

me when i’m on my way to bite your hand (you have disrespected my family and your hand is delicious)

I may be short but I’ve yet not shrunken to the size that makes my hands endangered to hedgehog bites without at least bending down. And don’t pretend you can jump.

I cant get over the fact that hedgehogs are one of few animals that technically produce biological weapons as a form of self defense.

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isn’t any venomous animal something that has a biological weapon

also skunks (stinky)

Technically yes.

However the hedgehog needs external components whereas venomous creatures have it inherently.

Poison dart frogs and the blue sea dragon are also weaponising things not inherently theirs. They both simply eat other, actually venomous animals. If you feed them something else they turn completely harmless to handle.

Imagine being a tiny soft animal, dreaming of the day that others stop touching you and making it work :sparkles:

I was not prepared for how smol blue-ringed octopuses are

(they carry enough venom to kill 26 people)

I’m into Act 4 of Rogue Trader.

While I get what they were going for with the Quetza forest, it also sucks and I had to google a path to get through it.

Also I think that when I eventually do a second playthrough (probably after all the DLC is out and its all patched up) I’m gonna do a minimal/no officer run. Right now my gameplay is just Cassia getting a free turn before anyone can act, stacking up to a heroic officer turn, and then she kills basically everything before anything gets a turn.

Also apparently recruiting the secret companion on an Iconoclast run is bugged and not something you can do. Classic Owlcat…

Most dangerous smol bean

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-looks at Steam-
I only started V Rising yesterday, what do you mean 9 hours played?
Oh dear… Miserable pack of lies, indeed.


I am slowly approaching the end of FFXVI, I think.

I don’t know, I expect to be thrown a massive “haha, you thought this was the ending but NO!”

Yeah it’s called a gazillion sidequests. Like, so many of them. Sidequests that lead into sidequests.

And the worst part is that some of them have some genuinely good story beats.

yeah it’s SO MUCH

and the worst part is…

I did this side quest in Lostwing that ended with a cliffhanger and it’s been a few hours and still no follow-up???

I volunteered to teach my friend and her daughter English.

The daughter said she wants to learn Elvish too. It’s probably just one of those kid imagination things and I don’t think she’s serious, but at this point I won’t be surprised if I’ll end up teaching her to write in Cyrillic, Latin and Tengwar at the same time. Stranger things have happened.


There appears to be a tiny (couple cm wide) but deep hole in the garden of my parents. Now. Sinkhole from all the rain followed by -10 or animal cause? Who knows.

given up on finishing final fantasy 8. making me too angry

instead i’m going to play 6, which to date i have never completed.

I’ll drop a question here as I don’t feel it warrants a new thread: are there any civilian RP guilds on the Horde side? I’ve been trying to find a place for my good guy goblin shaman for some time now. He’s not a military man.