Pet peeves: The return (Part 6)

I mean, if you watch the vid I linked above, you can see how many times it came up before terf queen did it.

I distinctly dislike the concept of houses.

The last thing kids should be taught is how great it is to be separated into groups and view the others as competition. Especially when the groups are also based upon characteristics.

Serious competition has no place in schools(or rather education) in my opinion.

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I don’t really see competition as a bad thing provided that it’s healthy competition. School houses aren’t like the Harry Potter ones. We don’t have generations old rivalries, we just sorta race each other once or twice a year (Sports Day and the Eisteddfod here) and no one paid it much mind outside of those two days.

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Yeah that is alot more healthier.

I should have clarified that its the way HP in particular writes it that I find problematic.

(Also making an entire 4th of the school actual world villains is…weird).

It’s fine until you see the result of one house constantly winning and one constantly losing and the mental fallout that has on the losing house. Week after week of ‘losing’ whilst the winning house gets extra play for something as minor as ‘the most house points’ has a very negative impact and watching it happen in real time to a kid is soul destroying honestly.


what if the houses are based off of your corporate sponsors because they’re grooming you to become good little worker drones

Amazon House, Google House, Disney House and Walmart House

are you telling me UK schools ACTUALLY have ‘‘houses’’??

did you think rowling made that up on her own? Nah, they absolutely do.

They were far less important than in HP - similar to in Loras’ case, mine was just used for the occasional sports event to tally up points and help to arrange teams, but there weren’t any differences otherwise. Same facilities, uniforms, etc. I don’t think they even had ‘house masters’ or anything.

Yeah, ours never had anything weekly or day-to-day or anything like that. Just a handful of events per year. I don’t even think we were given tangible rewards, just the satisfaction of winning for the victors.

No, she stole it from The Worst Witch.

i just thought she stole the idea from somewhere


Yep. The ones at mine are named after trees. Which sounds rather adorable, until you realise it inherent pits elm against birch and suddenly red v yellow is a gang war because red got a disco and yellow didn’t.

Okay yeah that’s cringe. Glad we never had that.

you’d be surprised how often a strange esoteric fantasy tradition turns out to just be how england is

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how britain is u anglo-centric swine dont make me call the met on you

Also, the picture that got Queen Terf to stop talking to Emma Watson;


In my school we simply divided based on which class year everyone was in

oh, you’re in year 4b? I’m in year 4a, you drool we rule (this is an extremely inspiring and fantastical thing that truly drives the imagination)

much to consider about for my WFRP campaign…

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the difference is that celtic traditions are cool and anglo traditions are cringe

warhammer being extremely english and also making albion a mist-covered dirt hovel populated by weird mutants is so beautiful it deserves a medal

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Introducing my friends to the world in the simplest descriptors before starting our (years running, now!) campaign featured this and it was extremely funny


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