Pet peeves: The return (Part 6)

Doing Landfall (which I have not finished yet) is like-- 15 levels.

I shall do the Isle of Thunder ones tomorrow/later today and come back with how many levels that was. But currently that mage i didn’t want to make is now 52.

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I’m still salty about Vol’jin’s death. Such a narrative waste.

Fleshed out during MoP, did nothing in WoD, died to a trash mob in the first twenty minutes of Legion just so the factions would have a parity in dead leaders.


valheim is a good game

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World Quests > Dailies. One of those actually manages to keep me relatively engaged.


By doing MoP remix it actually sucks even more because the exact thing that killed him in Legion (a dagger that was poisoned) is literally something we save him from. With the quest dialogue being something like “any other race would have succumbed to this injury but Vol’jin’s regeneration is strong, yet the poison is preventing it from healing perfectly. Quickly, gather some needles so I may draw the poison out.”

It’s literally the exact same thing except in Legion we got the bad ending.


proving once and for all that the definition of insanity is not repeating the same action over and over again and hoping for a different result, as big brain social media thinkers will oft repeat


In the alpha, he survived but placed Sylvanas in charge to lead while he regenerated and sought other allies, leading nicely into BFA

Please I beg someone actually direct the story with a plan in mind that you stick to


To be fair, that’s effectively just a rehash of Thrall sticking Garrosh in charge. So it would be even more repetitive.

Imagining the future where Sylvanas is like “urgh fine I’ll be Warchief” and then simply hands it back in BfA now that Vol’jin is healed.

But then we wouldn’t have Zereth Mortis and a cosmos divided and it is both six AND seven, oh no :roll_eyes:


the NUMBERS, elenthas!! what do they mean!!

Dwayne ‘the Jailer’ Johnson was right, a cosmos divided cannot stand…

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i think that line was a metacommentary. the jailer was actually talking about chris metzen’s impending return

spear. a large felguard spear. just rewatched it because i thought i remembered wrong but no. not a dagger in this case, a much larger wound.

doesnt change how damn stupid that narrative was


to be faaaaair

in a very basic sense maybe, but Garrosh’s idea was about the past Horde and Sylvanas (at least when written competently) is about finding a future from death

that’s the whole reason she starts the war, to take out the Alliance decisively before the inevitable future war is apocalyptic

don’t care + didn’t ask + i’m right + you’re wrong

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sylvanas: im starting a war to avoid a future apocalypse for the horde
look inside
apocalypse for the horde

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it’s too late. i have already drawn myself as the smiling deity and you as the simpering heretic

i’ve drawn myself as the heroic leftist and you as the london met bootlicker

the metS. the new york metS

love the mets babeh love the mets come on the mets love the mets here we go love the metz

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