Pet peeves: The return (Part 6)

i’m definitely enjoying the game a lot more than i thought. but i am aware that i’m still in the baby paddling pool and so my enjoyment may end abruptly

It’s just not fair!!

how long must i wait for my murderwife who has done precisely nothing wrong ever to be added to this game!!!

According to my sources the recent movie Challengers has a triad

Beware: Dog

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How quaint, they demand in peace what they can’t gain in war. And the only part of their army that actually seems to somewhat perform are the keyboard warriors, though those too are starting to look even more pathetic than ever.

But if I am honest, even if that certain old bald man were to fall out a window tomorrow, I doubt there will be much change. Too many around him who benefit from maintaining the status quo.

Not to mention, multiple generations there grew up with things being the way they were. That’s not something you will get out of their system fast, since it’s a system that has been sick even before they hoisted the hammer-and-sickle on a field of red. The ones that do disagree with the way things are , have either fled the country, have been imprisoned, press-ganged into the army, dead, or simply keep quiet in hopes that neither they nor their loved ones will get arrested.

In more fun news, the great conquest of the Masters of Innovation continues. Malakai and Grombrindal charged their way through the Chaos Dwarves, and after that locked horns with Grimgor in the mountains where Greasus used to rule. They’re now dead, and another legendary Grudge has been settled, which allowed me to also recruit Thorek Ironbrow into the fold.

But on the other end of my empire, where Norsca used to rule, I am now under attack by Sigvald , and my home-army is now scrambling to hold him off. The good news is , thanks to the conquests I’ve got a massive economy so I can fund multiple armies to fight back.

Oh, and the end-game crisis triggered, got the Nagash one, so I’m assuming Tomb Kings. But apart from Thorek, most of my holdings are pretty secure, given Grudgebearer won his fights and is now ruthlessly strong. Now I just have Belegar, Ungrim and Thorgrim Grudgebearer himself left to confederate, which will just take alot of time.


This is pretty much it, yes.


Right. Guess I’ll start clicking open every single topic that I see from now on.

Same. It’s a very opaque system and I never understood why I don’t have trust level 3. Ah well.

I’ve seen what sort of thing Blizzard tacitly approves of in the general forums. Their rejection only makes me stronger.


Do you go look at topics outside of the AD Forums?

Do you look at all the topics outside of the AD forums?

Because before i got it perma from the BFA Beta, I would scroll through EVERYTHING to keep level 3.


No, I visit the AD forums only.

Oh, neat!

I used to be able to maintain trust 3 just from Argent Dawn and very brief browsing in the lore forums.

That was before they banished me.

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When it says 50% of the forum it means THE WHOLE FORUM and then you still have to go outside of AD to maintain it.

Trust 3 isn’t worth it. Get suspended for saying something random + fairly innocuous instead.


I have been.


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I now realise I can live with just linking my memes and screencaps with urls.

Telaryn repoeted me when i got tier 3. They feared what i could become and dragged me back down into the crab bucket.



why would she report herself that doesn’t make any sense

more DATV info released during a dev q&a.
"Dragon Age Veilguard team hinting at a skeleton romance???
:white_small_square:10 years since Trespasser the team is now saying (previously it was said 9 years since inqusition)
:white_small_square:Crafting is back and a mysterious character who is important to the narrative will help you with this
:white_small_square:When asked about arachnabophia mode, they aren’t revealing but will touch on this soon when accessibility features are touched on
Transmog is confirmed
:white_small_square: Rook will want to avoid blood magic
:white_small_square: No battle passes, MTX or ea account needed
:white_small_square: LAASH is the name for Taash/Harding ship
:white_small_square: Varric’s hair will be shown in better lighting soon
:white_small_square: No Ace romance yet, but in the future
:white_small_square: Veilguard is most visual BioWare games have ever been
:white_small_square: Pasta and noodles do exist in Thedas
:white_small_square: For photomode they said they want to, but will follow up on this later
No mabari, they aren’t popular in Northern Thedas,
:white_small_square: Rook’s last is defined by their faction but you can choose their 1st name, also name generator
:white_small_square: Minrtathous has a tavern called the Swan and yes tavern songs are back
:white_small_square: There are beards/facial hair
:white_small_square: Biggest threat thedas has ever seen
:white_small_square: Companions can leave and might not show up to help save Thedas depending in your choices, Corinne absolutely teases some major implications and tragedy here
:white_small_square: Harding has the most insight into who Solas was and that’s part of why bringing her back was a good decision
“Mounts are not needed in Veilguard and we’ll see why
:white_small_square: Who was left in the fade question is not brought up in this game, but doesn’t mean it won’t be brought up in the future
:white_small_square: No mechanic that blocks progression until you fill a bar (no war table type of limtations)
:white_small_square: The lighthouse is the players base and it has it’s own unique purposes and functions
:white_small_square: Duel wielding is back and is part of the rogue kit”

honestly my three biggest take aways is hawke being left an unanswered question booo.
romancing the skeleton? neck romancer moment
why would they name a harding ship after what you get from a whip…very curious!


The people who asked these questions are somehow worse than the people who ask questions at Blizzard Q&A’s, half of these are things we’ve known for a solid 2-3 years now lmao.

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Had shoulder pain. So I sprayed it with that Deep Heat stuff. Okay, nothing much happened.

Next day, shoulder starts burning. I’m itching my chest at the same time like huh, that’s odd. Look at my chest, bright red. Had mum check my back and shoulder where the spray is, bright red.

Okay, took an anti-histamine. Fine.

Flares up again. BURNING!!!


Now my shoulder pain is back -and- I’m burning, though more gently than before.
