Pet peeves: The return (Part 6)

If I don’t get to be a blood mage what’s even the point man

We’re in Tevinter, the heart of dubious mages, let a Rook live a little huh.


Vaxir has new colours!


Vax polished the ole armour

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Add Middenland and Max Schreiber as a LH.

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Petitioning them to add Nordland instead :sunglasses:

Theoderic Gausser, one armed bastard anti-Middenheimer revolutiunary turned Elector Count strapping himself to his Imperial Griffon is metal as can be :muscle:

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If Todbringer never makes it I think CA’ll get firebombed


I’m just here waiting for the classic Lizardmen campaigns to get actual map/empire mechanics. :frowning:

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That’s because the average Todbringer superfan is just like him (violent but too sad to act on it), and likes to act in the Heroic Todbringer fashion (supporting and or tolerating excessive violence and pogroms towards anyone with a slightly different set of beliefs), duh

This is a Todbringer + Middenheim hater account


I will never truly learn how to play HoI4 and that’s okay.

What is not okay is blind idiot unit templates plowing through my well considered, buffed unit lines.

Meanwhile, people actually good at the game do world conquests with freaking malta or something, I don’t even know…

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All fair and valid, but I need Middenland and Hochland to stiffen that upper lip and NOT get wiped out by turn twelve, thanks all the same :grimacing:

This is good and just, actually, a pox upon Ulricans!!

No it’s not, because it penalises my Imperial Authority score.
They should at least last long enough for me to conferate them into the Superior faction.

(Mechanics and faction gameplay that are anti-player-agency are bad and weak, actually :triumph: )

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Turns out I prefer black armour to red. I have for a long time, but was like EEHHH about changing her entire set. Makes me wish I’d started out with gray/black armour, but for some reason I chose red…

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It was black all along, only looking red for a time because of all the blood.


Khazrak twitter found this post :confused:

sorry babe but the average cool Sigmar poster does more than SMELLY Middenheimers against the beastmen MENACE :sunglasses:

Being a sigmarite is just being an ulrichan in denial about being a furry

This post sponsored by the Myrmidia gang

Myrmidia is very cool

Ulricans just have consistently rancid vibes (that Sigmarites don’t tend to have!)

I myself subscribe to the big crunch theory.

Anyway, spicy Khorne prediction: one of the units will have chainswords