Pet peeves: The return (Part 6)

How dare you! → My pirate belf turned subtilty agent rogue is very offended you’re critiquing his career path!

Tbh the game should always aim to be fully playable without any addon
I just like WA because it can do pretty much anything combat related and I just use it to track CDs and resources too
Also it lets me fiddle with how the UI looks when I feel motivated to do so. Make things pretty and sparkly and stuff u_u

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I’d like it if it were tweaked a little.

For instance, either make SnD passive or roll it into RtB.
Make RtB’s duration longer (90-120 seconds?) but change it so that rerolling doesn’t refresh its duration or remove any existing buffs, only add to it, so you steadily add more buffs until it expires and then you start over. You could still, potentially, luck out into a perfect roll on your first try, just like fire mages can sometimes luck into into a bunch of pyro procs.

Also give us offhand pistols instead of a dual wield swords…

Unfortunately I don’t really vibe with the other two spec’s gameplay either. When I play a rogue, typically, outlaw is the lesser of three evils.


“My favourite part of Rogue is maintaining slice and dice”
-absolutely zero rogues at any point in history ever


he gave up the four barrelled blunderbus to be solid snake… smh

also for the dwarf posters in here if you havent heard this you need to
The Hobbit - Misty Mountains (In Dwarvish) (

Me checking the rogue hero talents to see if any of them make SnD upkeep simpler. The answer is no.

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If you’re playing Rogue you probably already enjoy self-inflicted misery and pain anyways.

He went from stealing from boat to stealing right from the source!

dying, internally, externally and eternally

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i have had rogue players try to gaslight me that perma slice and dice didnt exist in warlords of draenor. it did. i remember. it was the free-est i had ever felt…

wheres the thrill, the spray of salt in your face, the wind in your hair! the strapping deckhands!

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Back on the topic of Warhammer 3, I love the animation when malakai wins a fight, he does a shooting animation, while the loser falls down. Almost looks like he just point blank executes his foes.

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The simple answer is I already have one of each Hunter, and I really cannot justify more.
Also, my Worgen is an angry lass; if anything’s getting bitten/shanked, she’ll be the one doing it.

all good arguments
but have you considered: money/totally not getting blackmailed by silvermoon officials?

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The other reason Outlaw>Other specs for rogue is that you can transmog fist weapons, whereas poison+shadow are stuck with daggers only.


Peeve: someone in my local store is willing to part with/sell his Tantalus boat™ for Drukhari for 40k, but I’m not sure if I can do the model justice with the painting and I’m feeling more conflicted about the Big Boat than I should!!

just buy it already

this will likely be the logical conclusion

You can’t mog Novice’s Handwraps when not a Monk.

Why even live? ._.

(It’s fine, I already had her mogged with a rapier and parrying dagger, but still. God, Blizz, let us Rip and Tear until it is done!!)

Edit: Additional monk/brewmaster peeve; waited since MoP came out for a Keg backpack, and they finally give us something… and it’s the dinkiest little keg they can give us, AND it’s got the white/cream cover thing on it that… Look. Devs. Buddies… Do you realise how hard you’ve made it to transmog that with anything good?!

Why even live…

i do like being able to purchase the basic nessecities with which I need to not die

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money can be exchanged for goods and services


When the wizard war goes into war crimes.


I had to look up what that meant and hoo boy, that -is- borderline criminal.

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