Pet peeves: The return (Part 6)

Maybe with Pelagos now, but not with the previous robot-arbiter

the lava vore eels could not be reunited, can’t you see the cycle must be destroyed

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Even as i jokingly say Slands should be the next remix expac-- the expac was dumb.

pool party at my place lets go then

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pool party at everyone’s place**

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To tack onto this, I will reiterate, 90% of the ones that put “Approachable” in their trp are effing liars, or forgot to add “by only those I prefer”.

In other news, lately I find that my patience with people is getting less than what it used to be. I do not know if it is due to having lost two relatives about a month ago, or if it is simply because I am growing older, but I’ve found myself less willing to deal with people’s sjit, especially when they’re being nasty, and it’s already led to getting in trouble with some people… fortunately only here on the net, but still.


Possible both. I’m sorry for your loss; it seems like a short period of time. But as someone who’s been playing the franchise since Warcraft 1 back in 1995, I can 100% say that age is a part of it. There’s a high chance that you either have less free time now than you used too, or you’ve just learned to value that time more, or both. Given the truth in what you said about supposedly “approachable” people often being the opposite, I’m inclined to believe this isn’t a ‘you’ problem. It’s just how it is sometimes.

Keep chopping at the bit, and you’ll find cool meetups, new people, and little story arcs. They’re out there.


Summon people you know to RP with.
Put out your feelers out poke em. You may have to better time or have fun suffering the bad if you have someone to laugh at it with.


The loss I will eventually learn to live with, but I thank you for your condoleances, aswell as your insight. I think you are right in that it is probably both. Also damn, since the actual game? I was only born in 1993 myself so I never got to play 1 until I got it on GoG a while ago ( I have no idea how to make those controls work), and two.

As for my rp motivation, I admit, it has been lacking, but I am hoping to get it back. There’s a tournament coming up in which Des is taking part, so hopefully that will help.

Once I can regain my rp mojo, I will. For now I will just have fun with wrecking the Old World as Malakai.

And recently I watched Jurassic World: Chaos Theory and honestly, it ended up being so good I binged all of season 1 in one night. It did something that has been sorely lacking in the Jurassic World franchise imho: it added the horror back in. Gonna have to wait until Fall for season 2 though.

Likewise my four lovable idiots from Konosuba also got their third season, so I ended up watching that too, though sadly the last two episodes aren’t out yet in english. Could watch them in japanese with sub but, I’ve grown used to the english cast now, especially since they’re just as good as their japanese counterparts imho.

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I’m playing as Katarin.
The Chaos invasion event has popped and Archaeon is going off on one. Travelling with armies from Karak Kadrin, Nuln and Malakai to try to push north, but now Nagash has rocked up in the south so it’s getting hard.

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on the notion of housing heres a few im proud of making

especially the first and last


I’m currently grinding my face against ulthuan as Hellebron, who are currently strong enough to annihilate the Blood Voyage on contact

khaine will be praised but god damn it’s taking a while

These are cool as heck, and I’m resigned to WoW never having anything even close to that cool ._.

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I wonder, does the chaos invasion count as an endgame crisis, or does it always happen? Becuase I’ve seen no chaos invasion so far, and I’m on the verge of killing Sigvald for good.

whispers in his best Gul’dan voice Claim the sword… it is your destiny.
Stonetower: “And what, must I give in return?”
Me: “Everything.”

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It’s a modded in one.
Returns the WH2 one, cutscene and all.
All Warriors of Chaos factions get loads of armies and move in.

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I’ve just accepted that I just… don’t vibe with most RP on AD. Or only bits of stuff. Only fix would be building stuff myself but that costs so much time and energy idk if I could get it anywhere.
People just want different things


I just got back into RP (properly) for the first time in… A long time. I mean, I’ve been RPing on and off for months, but recently (days ago) made a new character and I’m loving it.

I get you. That was me for a long long time :frowning:


Dope! Really like the wintery landscape especially.

If you’re interested I’ll snag some pictures of some of my ESO housing when I’ve the time


Thank you :slight_smile: and yes i absolutely would be I always love seeing other peoples works.

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This week and next week and then I can disengage the brain from work related stuff.

I really want to do some art


have you considered drawing rexxar being very confused about the man/bear discourse