Pet peeves: The return (Part 6)

You’re a Lawful Evil monk of Asmodeus.

And this is how your Mythic Power Manifests. As a little, cutesy-talking purple fairy dragon talking about chocolate trees and jam fountains.

Ember is right, the gods are cruel.

Also I don’t remember if Aivu originally had voice acting here but they do now, and it’s exactly the sort of cutesy UwU tee hee voice you’d imagine.

Can’t wait to speak to Mephi and get my devil path sorted…

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same ive found it addictive. i need to screen it but i turned my alpine galley in hjallmarch into a nordic cave barrow


get free big house from ESO, turn it into giant cave. peak ESO housing honestly. They’re always fun to make, I think the only thing I enjoyed building more, generally speaking, is Dunmeri shrines/alters, pretty much every one of my Dunmer-associated builds needs to have at least one and I always enjoy putting a bunch of religious trinkets and incense together in a suitable spot


my niche seems to always be, when its not caves, making cottage core vibe homes

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do you think they’ll ever add Baku the Mooneater to WoW

it would certainly be an odd choice

[multiple overlapping laugh tracks]


it is critical to cover everything with little trinkets


It’s one of the big issues with Devil - you spend a huge chunk of the game either Like That or being told you’re a terrible aeon

(also greybor doesn’t have a criminal aura which along with his alignment is a lot of…lol. lmao)


This is more Trickster than Azata.

I do think I prefer Trickster overall. At least it’s unabashedly honest about its whackiness. Azata trying to blend both the more serious stuff of hopes+dreams with “cookies, cutesy dragon, talking trees, all our crusaders are halflings and that’s funny because they’re short” just doesn’t work for me.

It could’ve been the Desna+Shelyn ‘path’. Instead it’s Desna+Cayden, and I already got all the Cayden I need out of Trickster.

I have got all the toys from Remix!


Unless youve a blackfeather court houseguest then they start to vanish crow friend

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If it was more druidic that’d be neat as well, ‘bringing life back to the Worldwound’ is a thread of the Azata already but it has too much fey in it to really work

[if Aivu got more serious as she ‘aged’ that would also be awesome, she’s called a Havoc Dragon let her be scary]

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Feyish druids are valid.

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As are Defenders Of The True World (an amazing name for a druid type, I love my cold iron clawed lads)

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Me - singing at the cat

Him - wakes up and turns around to look at me “TF you want?”


Could be that the Aeon is like “fair enough” about Greybor because he fulfils contracts rather than indiscriminate murder

That would make sense if the aeon wasn’t very clear that breaking the law is what gives you the aura and murder tends to be illegal

he’s fulfilling the law of his contracts :relieved:

Also listening to rightoids going on about how Angela in the Silent Hill 2 remake looks ugly is making me sick to my stomach.

Did you… did you even play the original?

(If you really want to know because its not a subject for the forums, you can message me)