Pet peeves: The return (Part 6)

Maiev did it first, sorry :sunglasses:

shoots you with a wacky + zany gnome Discocombulator 3000 instead

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you can’t do that, lintian is right here in this very thread

i hope for better reasons than i remember lmao.

it is at least. benefit of the server growing up and becoming less tolerant of muppets trying to rule over it.

i can think of one. tiny tina’s dnd borderlands spinoff.

She’s not a night elf, she’s a uhhh

Crap I don’t know anything about LOTR but she’s one of those, probably.

my opinion of nelves has not changed in nearly 20 years, which is ‘their animations are either great or horrifying and my neck snaps from whiplash from trying to play one’


I didn’t move to AD until late cata when The Sha’tar died off.

i was also born at the end of the 80s.

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Nelf woman /cheer animation:


That’s your cover story though.

What about when you first awoke within the ancient woods?

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I’m not clicking those, don’t you dare bring that evil here! :newspaper_roll:

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Nelf woman /clap animation.

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I rescued a sentinel in the krasarang wilds and I wanted to put her back in the mogu trap


To be fair it’s not the actual animation, but it’s pretty close!

You mean before the rebirth where I crawled out of a gutter in London? uuuuuuuummmm…

Also if you’re not 24 or over by the time the year ends, you are younger than leo and are forever a baby.

Onto a completely different topic, it took me embarassingly long to figure out that the scene from the Warlords short-movies from WoD, the one where Grom is crucified on a tree in the desert, is almost straight-up taken from Conan the Barbarian… even though I knew of Croman being a reference to that movie…

I also recently started to re-read the original Jurassic Park novel by Michael Crichton and there are some interesting things to note.

  • He gets very descriptive during certain death scenes ( Dennis Nedry and Lewis Dodgson’s take the cake). And it’s been alot dumbed down for the movies.

  • Donald Gennaro was destined to die on the toilet both in movie and in book. Only in the movie he atleast gets eaten by Rexy, in the book he survived Isla Nublar, only to die of dysentery.

  • The movie swapped quite a few things around for some reason that were not always necessary. For instance, in the book, Tim is the older of the two, and Lex the younger, and Tim is the computer nerd. Doctor Wu and John Hammond both die in the book but survive in the movies. Yet Robert Muldoon ( “Clever girl”) is the other way around, survives in the book but dies in the movie. Doctor Grant does not hate kids in the book, yet he does in the movie.

  • Ian Malcom originally died in book one, but Crichton changed his mind and revived him for book two, yet part one still describes him dying.

And a funny movie fact about Sam Neill who played Alan Grant in the first movie. In the Hunt for Red October he plays the second-in-command of Marko Ramius, and says that when he gets to America, he hopes to live in Montana and drive a pickup truck. Then in the first JP movie, he does exactly that.

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In other news, I swept in Pokémon Showdown using a Pincurchin. I’m just built different.


That phrase just doesn’t hit as hard without the Titanic Submersible behind it tbh.

off topic on an off topic the warlords cinematics were peak wow and the burdens of shaohao were peaker


Kinda mean no cap fr