Pet peeves: The return (Part 6)

I think people would be hard pressed to find anyone of us who didn’t do something stupid or awkward when we first started roleplaying & or playing WoW.

Especially since I think a large portion of the main AD demographic started when they were between 14-16 years old.


I hold my hands up and say that That One Image was odd to get and I still don’t know why, for the most part, i had it done. I say most part because I was looking up to the artist and wanted to be involved with their stuff, and didn’t think, hey, this is bad. But I should’ve used my brain and for that I feel bad and it shouldn’t have happened.

I would beat up teenage me with hammers it’s true

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A decade ago I was watching nerds play League of Legends in Korea at like 3am GMT

We all make mistakes.


I got here in 2013, I was 20 then, so I was late.

Oh god, I remember when I could stay up that late.

Now I get cranky and sleepy around like 10-11pm

I started on AD in 2009! I was 16.

Not even WoW; in City of Heroes (Villains, rather, back when they were seperate) I once tried to IC take over the Super Group (Guild) I was in. I genuinely, OOC, thought it was an entirely logical and IC power-play.

I thankfully, somehow twigged that things were a little ‘off’ and asked people OOC, explained my logic… and was gently eased back onto the path of not being a powergaming godmoter.
I also learned how hairs-breadth I was from being booted :sweat_smile: Y’honour, my client pleads Oopsy Doopsy…

I came to AD when I was about fifteen and that was thirteen years ago. :older_woman:

im at a point where theres not much that could be done that hasnt been so we ball i guess. i used to main rp a pandaren named kai and s’bout all ill say.

i started on ad at 17 in 2012/2013.

I started RP on a different (German) server… lots of cringe but I was never much of an active personality so thankfully no power grabs

This was always so odd.
They would post pictures from these sites you have to actively know about because they don’t really pop up on google even with the char names and all the details. (And sometimes stuff you needed to have an account for)
And then would point fingers as if they weren’t the ones who actively hunted the stuff down on sites they were clearly active on.

Like… spud… you only have two feet, maybe stop aiming at them.

I have to get up 2 hours after that at the latest…


I started on AD at some point in 2015 when I was 17 or 18 :baby:


Name rings a bell!

I started properly RPing around TBC, the very cringe theramore-based night elf druid Spearfang

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Goo goo ga ga (you are only like three years younger than me)

I only know a worgen of that name who used to post here, so it still does not ring a bell to me. Regardless, I hope your time here is better now than it used to be.

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It’s fine, I was born before 2000 (the point at which anyone born will be a baby forever)

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Apparently DAVe is going to have four voice options and pitch sliders for the voices - don’t think I can recall a game doing pitch sliders before, but I approve.


Defying kaldorei cultural norms is always the play IMO. After seven long (but not that long because it’s evidently really short compared to others in the thread) years, I have learned one thing about night elf characters.

They suck, be literally anything else LMAO

SAINTS ROW (and Sims)

Just a little baby.

When I got day shifts I start at 7:00 AM sharp. So same.

repeatedly shoots you with a gun, thereby going against the night elf grain (using firearms + killing worgen)

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