Pet peeves: The return (Part 6)

Absolute blood-covered gremlin, massive red eyes, big fangs

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That’s just Briar from League.


Remornia irritates me too.

All in all, not my favourite fight AT ALL and you’d think I’d be all over Nathria because VAMPIRES

I do forget about her, but she is exactly who I’m thinking of yes

I’ll splatter them across your WALLS

its so funny to me that she’s voiced by Kleia

I was eating with one hand, scrolling on my phone with the other. :muscle:

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Absolutely unhinged. (And we love her for it)

she also voices one of the female Helldivers…the really really lunatic one.

I know one of the female voices is done by the VA for Loona from Helluva Boss.

But dont know if its the same or if they’re both different.

I know League fans are weird and go “HAHA FEET” at Briar’s portrait but like

why DID Riot make them the most lit-up part of the entire piece?

Shadowlands is an instant F in my book, but Denathrius being a shapeshifter? That would have been neat.
“What’s your gender?”

(Also it would forcibly erase ‘Actually these are all robots because-’ hatehatehatehate-)

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You’ve not seen the DBD community if you think League fans are feet obsessed.

Because feet

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Also he absolutely would say “Let me slip into someone more comfortable”

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Erica Lindbeck is a delight. Magilou, Futaba Sakura, Delaryn Summermoon, HotS Whitemane…

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Y’know the wor-
No, ok, let me start over.

Do you know ONE of the worst parts of Shadowlands, for its failures are many and varied?
If you took chunks of it, and slapped them into an expac set literally anywhere but the canonical realm of death, they’d be great.

As it is, however-!


i discussed this with someone before but if you genuinely took what they gave us as a premise with shadowlands, god is a robot etc, and put it in a setting like elder scrolls. it’d have worked. tell me god is a robot there and its just a case of “cool kirkbride’s acid trip strikes again.”

it just doesnt work for wow where so much relies on the fantasy the magic and the mystery.

my knees turn to jelly


honestly I’m wasted as a sub i could be so good

You would waste this gift?

Just recently a friend asked me to tell them to stop loafing around and I said Get Up with a force that stunned both of us and she was on her feet before she realised what was happening

just wasted

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I’d melt that that I think.

But it would be very confusing