Pet peeves: The return (Part 6)

im reminded of an NPC i met in the new eso expac the other night.

I don’t understand people who are like this but I appreciate it.

I’d love an Emerald Dream expansion where Ardenweald was one of the zones and was not an afterlife. If anything, it’s proof that such an expansion could have worked. I know Metzen said that “building an entire expansion worth of zones around a green lush forest theme would get very boring”, as if someone held him at gunpoint and forced him to make the entire Dream a uniform green lush forest. The Emerald Dream is Magical Fey Nature Land, and if you asked me to pitch zone ideas for it, I’d have several dozen by the end of the day with no sign of stopping.


me who lives for an enchanted forest giving him the luigi deathstare


I mean, nevermind the whole thing of Four Variants for the Four Seasons, just to start with…


Kingmaker’s First World depiction also springs to mind, that is clearly a nature-filled place but it’s striking and immediately you look and go ‘that is unnatural and natural at the same time’

also sometimes jabberwocks are there

a spring forest in colourful bloom, a summer forest in green growth, an autumnal forest of falling leaves, a snow covered winter forest, rot covered haunted forests, enchanted fae-light forests…yes theres no variety to be found at all!


tbh if someone tried to demand i stand up i would just stare at them :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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They don’t all have to be forests, either. You could have mountain ranges, floating islands, weird fungal ecosystems like Zangarmarsh…


Unpopular opinion–

I really do not want an emerald dream expac FOR NOW.


something pandarian even…

I’m assuming after we deal with Xal’atath, the Void, and the Titans, the Arathi Empire is next on our hitlist.

Also, I may be a fae creature, but my fav forests are the dark and foreboding ones with a gothic castle towering above it.


Clearly that’d be the Emerald Dream version of Karazhan.

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Deadwind Pass does the vibe very well, yes.

As does Revendreth.

EDIT: Also if there is not something deeply lovecraftian hiding beneath the boughs then you’re doing it wrong

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i hearken back to peak
(169) Hearthstone: The Witchwood Trailer - YouTube


I was about to harken back to The Black Goat of the Forest, but then remembered she has a very unfortunate name.

I was wondering if it was deliberate but her title is BLACK Goat of the Forest so… yeah… it is.

I’m suddenly extremely tired and I do not like it


To be neatly divided in victory, serving the needs of either faction accordingly with its borderlands relegated to an eternal pvp slugfest.

Who will be this month’s Emperor?

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this is litterally ESO pvp. i assumed thats what it was til i saw the quoted post