Pet peeves: The return (Part 6)

Engagedpeak <3


You are truly the Fire Emblem: Engage now.

Big gtz tho :heart:


Anyone wanna propose to me I’m feeling left out (my acceptance isn’t guaranteed)


I could but your eyes seem drawn to Levey all the time.

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I didn’t want to come off as too keen by directing my post at her, specifically


Go for it girl, this is your chance

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I want to be proposed to, so really it’s her chance to make the right decision


Feel unreasonably proud of myself for taking out Playful Darkness in this run

bonking wizard bonks real good


Biggest question though, are you gonna do the wishes of the Fulsome Queen?

Also seriously, congrats! Playful Darkness sucks butt.

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I think I’m saving that for a trickster run where I can fully commit to her - this girl’s going for an aeon to devil run

(With a build that spends the entire game going ‘god I’d be so powerful as a Lich rn)


The temptation to pivot my Elden Ring build from Morning Star and Greatshield to x2 Great Stars for Double Heavy Bonk potential is there…

But, outside of irritating bosses, the spiky wall is holding true for now.

Attach some spikes to your hat and headbonk people
… or get butt spikes and use the butt slam ash of war…

peeve: family once again has issues
going to just not react to messages from them during my time off


E. Honda approves.

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Yeah I too wish quotas about how many % of a work place should be women or any other arbitrary metric would be banned and companies would only be hiring people based on their merits alone… Rather than which gender they are or which one they choose to be or what the colour of their skin is.

Equality’s the most important thing.

I think if anything the fact that he did his role (and exceptionally well too, from your and others view), despite his views, goes to show his professionalism. Even if he disagreed, he did a splendid job.

Goes to show that you can still appreciate the work of someone, even if you disagree with their other characteristics. H.P Lovecraft, Tolkien, And Rowling come to mind.

Edit: Grats Distantspeak!

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I always follow the wishes of my queen :heart_eyes:

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Congratulations, Distantpeak! [insert epic ball and chain joke here]

Peeve: people who make (miniature) painting videos, but always do so with the angle of DON’T BE A NOOB/DON’T SUCK/DON’T BE A LOSER/HOW TO STOP SUCKING like come on man zzz


Tolkien believed in some things that haven’t aged well (like gender essentialism), but very little of the disagreeable stuff bled into his stories. By design, they don’t even feature any outward religion with temples, clergy, or worship, even though Tolkien himself was a devout Catholic.

I’d say mostly his views have aged well, and he’s shows himself to be more farsighted than many of his contemporaries, but he definitely had his blind spots.


There’s a definite difference with an author who is using their platform, fan-mob and money to say “this group of people shouldn’t exist and I want them to not exist”. So, yeah… not agreeing with that prior post.


It is wild to me that America has a more hardcore and competitive jousting scene than Europe and the UK. Like. The places that actually invented it and actually HAD the Medieval period?
Wild. Actually wild.


Can’t even see said post but I can deduce exactly what author is being referred to and, since they want to have people like me labelled mentally ill at best and criminals at worst, yeah I’m not so keen on engaging with their poorly-aged media.

Big difference between someone who passed away decades ago vs someone who is actively and maliciously perpetuating bigotry today (and I mean that literally, she does it every day).


A bit dissapointed with Doctor Who. How can an episode set up such a great start only to crumble in, not even a bad way just very boringly.

Also I am getting a bit tired with meta comnentaries, especially when they dont make sense in universe either.