Pet peeves: The return (Part 6)

New oneshot by Kaoru Mori, the creator behind Otoyomegatari/A Bride’s Story :pray:

This too is yuri.

I am happy though that most of the cast from the movies turned out to be good kids, and later good people that have managed to build up careers and names outside of it.

I’m not counting the already established big actors as they already had or have success and fame without them.


outside of Rowling being a hateful wacko, I think it’s important for people to realize that magical school settings suck big time, actually


Alot of HP is very dystopian.

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I just need people to understand cool stories and worlds can be set outside of highschools and not feature highschool dynamics


Can I ask why specifically? Just that it’s overdone or is there something inherently flawed with the setting?

Nevermind I just saw the reply above - fair enough


The best thing about anime shows is when the student council of a random japanese highschool is written to be essentially higher-up on the totem pole than the US president and control vast amount of resources and sway over entire countries.

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Literally Kill la Kill.

They’re overdone, but also I just think it sucks and don’t find them fun.

My time in education was alright and I didn’t really have anything to complain about (I had friends, last time I got bullied was primary school, etc etc, went on to uni which was w/e, I like working better) so it’s not some sort of hatred for that but it’s just boring to me

I think I just largely don’t see the appeal in the slightest. ‘omg i need to go to class X with classmates Y and Z that I hate from that one awful teacher!! what if i fail magicexam!!!’ holds no narrative interest to me

I’ve been FORCED (forced, I say!) to play through a Strixhaven campaign and despite great DMing it’s the least interested I’ve been in tabletop roleplaying by far

I feel like it’s a bit different when the student council president has superpowers

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Going to a high school and college that had houses also makes them feel a lot less magical

(Ours were named after 4 rivers that were in the area, go Bollin)

Ours were named after local, closed mines. South Wales energy.

I also remember teachers not bothering to check what houses people were supposed to be in, so I just turned up on related days wearing red instead of green so I could hang out with my friends.

Don’t remember what our houses were named after, they were introduced in the last three years of my senior school.

All i know is, we were the Blue one.

Never got high school settings. Whether it’s some magic school or just something like the inbetweeners. Maybe I’m weird but my secondery school life wasn’t… whacky? I went to school, may or may not have did school work, went home. At no point did I do something ‘lolwhackylol’ like poop in a traffic cone. It’s bizzare.

Makes me wonder if half the people who come up with the plots even went to school instead of a weird zoo.

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Also because I can’t stop gassing up G-Witch, its use of the school setting was used as a microcosm of the grander politics of the setting writ large, both geographic and economically.

Granted they coulda done more (really needed that third cour) but hey, it wasn’t a wasted setting.

Ours were named after former headmasters, which given the state of the English private school system means that there’s a decent chance 50-100% of them were nonces.

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High school but there’s ~magic~ is an extremely common trope, which is probably why in retrospect people are either ride-or-die for it or just sigh instead.

I liked them at the time, but it’s been ten years since high school so I’m not as capable of getting into it. Now I want to be a useless adult catapulted into the supernatural.

What if instead of school it was set in space and instead of wizards they were necromancers and they were lesbians

I really need to finish reading Gideon the ninth

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