Pet peeves: The return (Part 6)

I buy them in bulk because my sleep schedule is a tentative suggestion a lot of the time

(never more than one can a day, despite my memes I am aware of the risks)

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I never got that deep into gw2, but I will say that Dinky was the best part of it.

Today I learned that in the Frozen Throne night elf campaign, in the final mission, it’s possible to move Malfurion and Illidan close enough together that you can pass items between them. (This was not intended by the map designers.)

Which means that you can, for instance, pass Maiev’s Shadow Orb to Illidan, and he’ll keep it in the next campaign after you free him from Maiev’s cage. How delightfully ironic.


I neve drank much Monster but lately I’ve grown fond of Juiced Mango taste.

Ho-ho-ho that is pretty neat… I did something similar in the CotSW campaign when I gave some strenght items from Cho’gall to Doomhammer during his last mission, before the latter went rogue.


I forget if he still keeps it for the last Scourge mission or not where he’s hostile (I don’t think he did, unfortunately) but yeah it’s a neat trick.

Does peeve me a little that despite being so potent (and even getting a full artifact writeup in the RPG!) it never came back to WoW at all, and the sole answer as to what happened to it is “maybe Maiev has it, or maybe she doesn’t.”

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Drink the white one and get a grassmower.

What’s the white one?

I could not describe the flavour to you but it’s pretty good

It’s one of the Ultra series, which are the sugar-free variants


I see!

Also, in the next episode of funny translations from English to Dutch from the Lord of the Rings. First I spoke of how the dutch version translated “Lord of Carrion” to a dutch variant that, when literally translated back to english, would mean “Lord of female dogs.”

But now I found another one.

So, in the book, rather than just flee the Shire as it seems to be in the movies, Frodo plots a ruse to make the whole Shire believe he is simply moving back to the area of his childhood, to Bukland ( or however you spell that in english), the area where Merry’s family is from.

Now, the house he pretends he is going to live at, has a name of it’s own, but my google’s being wonky so I cannot look it up. But in Dutch, the name of that house is translated as “Krikhol”.

The funny part is, one of the meanings of “krikken” in dutch, is slang for having s*x. And “hol” just means “hole” or “den” or “lair”.

So he went to live in a place called Sxden or Sx lair, which gets even funnier when the house is described as a place where some of the Brandybucks went to stay if they wanted away from the rest of their family ( who lived in a giant, interconnected hill-home).


Oh boy, LOTR translations. I could talk about the “creative liberties” of Russian translations all day. It seems that a Russian translation of LOTR can be either close to the original or fun to read, but not both at once.

The first complete translation, the one I read, was made in late Soviet years and played a pivotal role in bootstrapping the Russian Tolkien fandom and LARP scene. Before its divergences from the original became widely known, it was also responsible for some misconceptions that took root in the fandom for years.

For example, the translators believed that the word hobbit was a portmanteau of homo + rabbit, and therefore gave the hobbits lots of rabbit/hare-themed surnames and place names. Took and Brandybuck became, basically, Bun and Brandyhare respectively.

They also had no pronunciation guide for Sindarin, and so a lot of Elvish names were mangled; for example, in the first book, the initial C in Sindarin names was translated as S, e.g. Celeborn → Selerbern. This was corrected in the second and third books. There were also some really weird Slavic themes inserted into the names, e.g. Glorfindel became Vseslavur (All-Glorious).

At least there were no accidental innuendos. I think.


Welp, that’s another example of funny translations!

Was this intentional or?

And in what other ways did the russian translation depart from the original then?

just posting some good vibes
(19) Guild Wars Soundtrack - Tasca’s Demise - YouTube

It was intentional, yes. This is what happens when the translators think they know better than the author.

Here are some other examples:

  • Gildor Inglorion became Garald of the Slavur clan; apparently the translators didn’t realize that all the Elvish names in the book actually mean something. Or maybe they thought glor means glory, while it’s actually a contracted form of glaur “golden-colored”.
  • In general they mangled some Elvish words into some kind of weird Russian-Elvish pidgin, e.g. miruvor became zdravur. Amon Hen and Amon Lhaw became Amon Vedar and Amon Sloush (basically, mangled antique-sounding Amon Seeing and Amon Hearing).
  • There were two translators working on LOTR, and one of them died after translating the first book. The other one worked on the second and third books alone, and his biases showed. For example, he seemed to really not like the word king, so instead of a straightforward translation, the king of Rohan is called konung and the king of Gondor is called gosudar’ (the Russian word for sovereign, used in ancient Rus).
  • There’s no th sound in Russian, so they rendered it in eight different ways: mifril, Arakhorn (Aragorn’s father), Ortkhank, Luchien, atselas, Emros (Amroth), Tranduil. In the years since then, an accepted translation convention developed to render th in fantasy names as t; it’s followed consistently in official Russian translations of D&D and Warcraft, for example.
  • Some place names were completely changed, e.g. the Shire became Hobbitania, and Rohan became Ristania (roughly, Ridingland, with an archaic Russian word for riding).
  • The appendices were left out entirely.
  • In some places, where translations from Elvish are given in the text, the translators gave incorrect translations. E.g. the translation claims that “Dúnadan” means “western knight” rather than “man of the west”.
  • They thought that “Eldar” and “Noldor” were place names rather than demonyms.

And so on and so forth.

And despite all this, I would probably still recommend this translation over the other two. Of the three major translations, this one is the most literary and lively. Of the other two, one is closer to the original but drier, and the third one is very close to the original, but very dry and academic.

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Blue eyes
Dirty Blonde
Gruff facial features
Thick stubble
Generic European Name and Armour
Yep, its a timeless classic


Finished Vivy.

Gorgeous animation, tight storytelling with enough intrigue to keep you watching, extremely solid voice/song work. 9/10.

Youtube’s gonna butcher the quality a bit but this was the scene that I saw out of context that made me pick it up.


You’re a Paradox GSG head right?

You been reading the Tinto Talks blog?

Okay, so I have been fighting for my life in hospital for the last 5 days but instead, lets talk about Sir Moofsalot’s holiday to his pibling’s house where resides madam Small Chunk (I got permission to post these images):

Queen Small Chunk herself.

Anyway, day 1 of being kidnapped;

Demanding to know what this hotel room is after being kidnapped by his human’s best friend (they are my emergency and know to grab him if something like this happens)

Madam Small Chunk’s reaction to knowing there was a foreign cat in the house was to puff her tail in rage (no pic unfortunately)

Stepping out of bed

Regal AF cat

Day 2:

“Yes, I do indeed charm every person pibling has introduced me to”

Everybody had a royal nap sesh

Day 3:

mad yelling

Small Chunk’s face when she hears him yelling, she was very tired of his crap already

Day 4 AKA when a pibling finds out that this cat is an actual menace:

Yeah, that’s him. Tried to escape his royal hotel room. He then started peeing on everything and really worried the poor pibling

“me? butter wouldn’t melt”

Also did his slenderman trick and jumped them while they were doing their teeth. Tried to climb their lap while they were using the toilet and being very rowdy.

“Think I can conclude for now that your son is being a menace”

Another picture of the mistress of the house.

Day 5:

I present, food posting;

One shrimp

one dumpling

“what do you mean dinner is at 7 and not whenever I yell my little heart out?”

“bruh, you’re fed when you’re fed”

Got woken up by a bath running, things he did do while a bath was being taken;

  • Yelled
  • Big stretch
  • Laps around the bath
  • Sat
  • Stared at his water bowl
  • Ate the rest of his dinner
  • Moof

Things he did not do;

  • user litter tray
  • throw up
  • steal the declaration of independence

Did get annoyed when told supper was at 10 though.

She’s very done with the foghorn already

Day 6:

eeping before being returned.

Bonus Small Chunk doing the Blair Witch thing.


In my not drinking monster time I found there’s two whole flavours in in circulation here that I haven’t tried yet so I guess I gotta track them down.

One’s a peach and anothers “White Pineapple” so we’ll see

I love them both so much, give sir all the kisses!

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I’m what now? GSG?