Pet peeves: The return (Part 7)

Ah, I see, I see.

Summon Alexander, its time for HOLY ORBITAL LASERS…


ive only just gotten into that parts hub and yeah i fully agree. this is some of the most dystopian stuff ive seen in ff14 and thats after the Ancients.


The entire thing just reminds me of Eulmore tbh. Straight up uncanny valley levels of acceptance of something that is the definition of existential dread. Not the least of which being the open question of what happens to the souls that are being used as batteries here.

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it’s just alex

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i will still say though that hearing viera lalafell and miqos with hard american accents is the weirdest thing ever.

i love erenvilles mom though. shes a sweetheart.

i bet you hate to see it yeah, since it makes him one of your heroes

the metS. the new york-based baseball team the new york metS

You like mett?


that actually sounds quite nice

[googles further]

they shape them into HEDGEHOGS called mettigel?!

Mettigel tradition is more of a 70s-80s kind of thing. If you see one at a party today it’s made as a joke (there’s also other shapes, like, I’ve been to a halloween party where they covered a manikin head in foil and put mett on it with small onions as the eye balls and chunky onion pieces as the teeth) ((this requires some talent, additional supports and the right temperatures to keep the mett at the correct level of sticky… but it sliding off isn’t much of a problem considering it’s a halloween party))

bring it back immediately

(i’m surprised it’s raw pork, that doesn’t seem safe)

no one’s stopping you from having a personal mettigel

(it’s very safe, the mett made for raw consumption (there’s smoked mett too) is heavily regulated, freshly made and people know to consume it quickly and not have it sit around, please do not just eat random raw pork or pre-packaged raw pork… it’s basically German sushi)

Hopefully when my partner moves in we’ll have a trip to germany in there somewhere (she has an ex who lives there and they’re still good friends) and I’ll add mettigel to my list alongside the boring things like seeing the Rhine again and visiting Dresden

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Go with Mettbrötchen first
either from a bakery or a butcher, usually only sold in the morning
May have to dig around for one who sells it depending on the region

raw meat can sometimes make your stomach go a little >I when it’s not used to it

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I have two wooden swords I got from when we had a school trip down the Rhineland and each of the villages had the same style of sword with their name engraved on the blade and they’re prized possessions

there is nothing better than bringing appropriate trinkets from any and all places you go on a holiday on


Its literally because some people want some power and spit their dummies out when you don’t give them lead.

Just childish behaviour.

Ew. Pick a better team.

tampa bay devil rays, done

Sorry, we’re a Blue Jays household.