Pet peeves: The return (Part 7)

I can now throw the moon AND daek moon at people.
Is it the most effective use of FP? Probably not, and I’m annoyed the boss version invulnerability window is just… Not. Because of COURSE players have to have mega nerfed things…

Is it still super fun when you clap an enemy with the freaking moon?
Oh yes.

well we did it.
im john dawntrail now.

it was a helluva ride guys girls and akamito.

Final Dawntrail Thoughts

I loved it. Start to finish. Im getting my two gripes out of the way now. 1. Krile needed more screentime. The twins needed less. She needed more. My GIRL needed it. But what she got in Living Memory had me bawling like a baby. 2. Everything Post Shaaloani imo should have and could have been its own patch series or own expansion. Everything with Alexandria was so huge in implication it could have been.

With that out of the way.

while I get everyone is entitled to their complaints I just…dont get what people complained about. It was a beautiful and bittersweet journey. It was fun. We werent simply expanding on cultures we already knew about a lot. This was all completely new to the barest bones. And because of that it was fine not being the main character. It was fine not to be. Others need to be sometimes to drive the narrative forward. And thats good.

Now for what I see a lot of people didnt notice but I did at least: The implication of the relic baring Azem’s symbol. It bore our symbol. And holy :poop: guys that implication is HUGE. How did it get into the hands of ancient lalafell? Do we now have a gateway to other reflections? What damage did Sphene do in her final moments to them as Erenville noted? i really want to find out.

Dawntrail was a solid 9/10 for me.


A certain boss caught a severe case of MOOOOOOON (and a Comet Azur, though all it did was negate the regen on phase 2 heh)

So now my mage is in the DLC :metal: Managed to pick up the FP regen talisman, which is a big win.

It has “WoW Dev putting WoW lore on their twitter” vibes instead of in-game/books etc.


It is tempting to answer lore questions especially when they are something relatively small like ‘what does arcwine taste like’ or whatever but for the love of god archive them if you’re doing that and you’re speaking in some kind of official capacity

but yes, those kinds of weird rules interactions happen all the time in tabletop RPGs - the pretty common one in Pathfinder was about paladin lay on hands - like, asking the question of ‘is a paladin not always “touching” oneself, like do they need to actually lay hands on themselves’ is objectively very odd but also important if, say, a paladin’s hands are tied and they want to heal themselves


“Mr/Mrs DM i wish to cast Lay on Feet”

look, there’s no stipulation on how you use the ability, just that you need a free hand

Sure, Mercy Monk’s feature calls it Hands of Healing and Hands of Harm, but strictly it just says ‘touch’ a creature or hit them with an unarmed strike, so a lovebite works just as well.


Instead of using a weapon to make a melee weapon attack, you can use an unarmed strike: a punch, kick, head–butt, or similar forceful blow (none of which count as weapons)

hipthrust of harm

Speaking of WoW lore on Twitter…

hi there, former Blizzard historian here
do whatever you want with the canon
the historians’ job is to empower the devs to do what they want, not bully them about the canon

anyone who wants a strict canon should just write their own book

Not sure about the veracity of the guy’s claim to be a former Blizzard historian, but it’s certainly an interesting approach.

Small wonder so many of them got made redundant, if that was their approach to the job.

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Yeah, it’s a mess - I’m on record as a ‘continuity exists to enhance the story not tie the hands of writers’ defender and I can categorically say that if you write a book that is meant to be a definitive canon telling of events and that book contradicts the timeline so badly that the only thing you can really do is ignore it, you have messed up. you have made a bad product. you failed, try again

the obsession with strict canon will murder your spirit. just do the things you think are cool. be free

God that’s based + true.

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“For players, canon should be fluid and they should feel open to fixing it.” is not mutually exclusive to “If you sell a lore codex for money, it should be accurate and not break stuff that wasn’t already broken. And if you do do that, it’s pretty reasonable for players to be annoyed by it.” Standards for how players approach the story should be different to how the writers and developers approach it.

Like, yeah, I’ve got plenty of headcanons (Bolvar x Onyxia = Taelia) going on, but acting like it’s unreasonable to complain that Blizzard completely broke the BfA timeline comes across as polishing their lore knobs free of charge.

And you should at least be getting paid for that sort of service.


Oh yeah I’m just picking + choosing the bit that resonates with me, I’m not too invested in the rest

Deathmaster Sniktch is a trans man skaven send post

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‘canon warcraft lore’ should be very important in the sense that if you want to make a cool world to explore, narratively, then said world should be consistent with itself; if you want the world in world of warcraft to be one of the main characters, as it were, this should be very important!

in modern wow storytelling the world of said world of warcraft is really not important so canon is whatever


My approach to roleplay is that if an OC or concept or whatever I create is in line with the spirit of the setting and doesn’t directly contradict established lore, I’m good to go.

Official writers should be held to a higher standard, of course, because making the world coherent within itself is kinda their job.

As roleplayers, it’s helpful to have some sense of continuity and coherency, so that we can all operate on the same page and not bicker about what’s canon or not.

A lack of that leads to the roleplaying community gradually ceasing to care about the setting and just using WoW as a platform for generic fantasy RP, which is a sad development for the people who enjoy the Warcraft setting and want to RP in it.
I’ve seen it happen before, namely with a couple of superhero MMOs, in which roleplayers don’t give a crap about the actual setting and just use them as platforms for generic urban fantasy RP. If that happened with WoW, I personally think it would be a bit of a shame.
So I’m not 100% on board with the ‘do whatever you want’ approach, at least as a roleplayer.

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This has already happened with fairly large chunks of ‘The Community™’ unfortunately


We could have ironclad lore books and we’d still get people bickering about that, mind