Pet peeves: The return (Part 7)

There are options but their accessibility wildly varies (largely just by nature). Many Guilds predominantly make use of “Bubble RP”, communities vary wildly due to size and scale (allowing for said issues of headcanon to seep into them with ease and become widespread) and most events rely on the previous two options to be accessible. Established contacts; friends, is really the only and ideal way to get your moneys worth and know that the RP you’re doing will be enjoyable if we’re being honest with ourselves.

On Alliance, these things are conflated both in availability and in issue, because Alliance is a good 70-80% of the realm’s population now, but the points are still, I feel, valid ones in that inaccessibility to the solution is actually the biggest problem for RP in general nowadays (although arguably a better problem to have than the various former ones that used to plague AD).

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the only time it’s acceptable is when it’s a short king night elf dude


Considering the average height difference between the two, that night elf would be beyond short.

I still need to finish transferring my lore bible to the not-excel document I’ve got running on my computer.

Also when your masc character is shorter than his partner (who is nonbinary but I’m sure there will be arguments over whether they are male or female.)

I somewhat disagree with this to be honest. If you don’t have the time to invest in a guild and get in with the assorted bubbles/cliques present in those, that’s pretty much exactly what you have to do until you might finally win the lottery ticket and find a person or several that you can start planning repeat encounters and adventures with.

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In other news, I caught a cold in London, I blame the AC being freezing and the weather being humid and my body just being; “screw this”

do you think it’s called dwarfism in azeroth


Given that ‘dwarf’ was apparently a derogatory elven term for earthen, almost certainly

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while im inclined to agree i do not wish to say so in earshot of a xaela

I was going to say dwarfism, then this thought occurred to me.

people have modded draenei and wow goblins into ff14 only fair it goes the other way…

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Nagash was weak!

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To some extent I believe players can write better, with the caveat that some players care a lot more than the writers about the setting’s consistency, logical framework and its history.

You just can’t trust the prevailing attitude to produce that kind of quality effort…

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Finally sitting down to look at the changes to healing in WW and I can see where some designers are wishing to go, they just aren’t putting their full weight on it.
Just do it. Get rid of the spiky dmg already. No one likes it. Do the thing. Make healing about decision making again >I

Don’t make me draw that with the correct height distribution out of spite


Please draw that with the correct height distribution out of spite

I am not at the correct spite level for it atm
Currently raging about WoW healing

the tiny night elf is a druid and the giant human man is a paladin

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HMPs at it again.

So uh

in canon, “dwarf” is a slur?