Pet peeves: The return (Part 7)

From confirmed Darnassian phrases:

Dwarf = Originally a derogatory night elven word used to refer to the earthen.

according to The Sundering novel

This has not increased the spite level

Reclaimed slur? (why is t so close to r?)

chat, i tried

People will be like “love knaak!!!” and then he does this

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Weird implications.

It means that dwarves calling themselves dwarves was either an incredible coincidence, or night elves ran into the first Curse of Flesh earthen and went “ugh dwarves” only for the fleshy earthen to go “oh so that’s what we’re called? sounds sick, we’ll roll with it.”

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you’d be surprised how often things like that happen

like the Sahara Desert is so-named because the arabic word for desert is (anglicised) sahra

If any desert deserved the name Desert Desert, it’s the Sahara.

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Aren’t most rivers called river (old dialect word) river?

As I have no Twitter, no idea what went on in that lore custodian’s thread, but of the tweets linked here I do agree with the takes.

If you’re writing fanfiction, it doesn’t have to follow the canon. And iirc the person themselves agreed that a lore book - such as the Chronicles - should have accurate information for everyone to use and have lore things set straight, not become contradictory to any established canon for whichever reason.



The local one is named after being the water source for the meadows…

Not you, we’ve been over this

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I know it happens a lot, but I have no idea how to search for it

I know river Avon is river river.
Thames is too.
And a few others.

I do think this is a reasonable point. Establishing yourself in any group/guild/whatever is always the hardest part of making a new character or joining a new space.


doesnt help how awkward and off it can sometimes feel trying to work your way into a years-old group or clique. sometimes you instantly click sometimes you just feel like an outlier.


You made me look up the local major rivers…
white, to flow (twice but two different names), energetic, to go, to hunt (probably named after good hunting areas), meadow (not the same as the tiny local river), one is named after some random prince and finally I’ve found one that may have been named “creek” originally.

The worst is clicking with only some people imo
followed closely by clicking with people OOC but then not enjoying the RP style


Something we’ve probably all experienced over the years at some point or another, yeah

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I know, at this point it’s more a funny joke I like to make :stuck_out_tongue:

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i had this happen when trying to get into rp in eso. i really vibed with the folks ooc but when it came to IC every Rp inevitably lead to attempts to “woo” my character and ooc chats quickly devolved to it as well. i miss when clicking with people meant adventures not “Do you want to date my Avatar?” (just figured id throw that in to make some people feel old.)


it’s like throwing a dart and hoping it lands somewhere

eso rp mentioned and the thing i want to say on it has already been said darn