Pet peeves: The return (Part 7)

Lmao I say as I play an elf and happily dream, dunking on the dwarves from the fade.


Be wary of making hypotheses that only doctors are qualified to make.

Solas says he’s tearing down the fade for grand reasons but it’s really just toxic yaoi with Varric.

Same as it ever was.


Speaking of DA, in my Origins playthrough I’ve just arrived at the Landsmeet, after doing the stuff in the Alienage, but good god, I forgot how brutal that templar’s death in the abandoned orphanage is… man suddenly gets impaled on a pitchfork and lifted in the air, then tossed aside.

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i have several experiences that beg to differ

The Denerim Alienage is such a horrible place in the story. Alot of Alienages, most of them honestly, are pretty bad. But Denerim’s is one of the worst ones.

It’s the Alienage equivalent of what the Gallows in Kirkwall is for mages and their circles.

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It really is. I thought I read that Highever’s wasn’t too bad though?

Also, speaking of alienage, apparently if you let Vaughan live as a city elf and then later find him in Howe’s dungeon, you can make him join the Chantry, which is hilarious if it’s true.

Killing Howe was so catharthic though, damn ( I play a Cousland).

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Compared to the other alienages, it’s not that bad. But it’s still an alienage and it’s still a showcase of systemic oppression and discrimination of city elves.

Denerim’s is just on another level, and is another sign of how completely incompetent and uncaring Cailian and his family was as kings & rulers. Because even if they were not directly advocating for how horrible it was, it was still right in their capitol and obvious to everyone what went on there on a daily basis.

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Probably done so that Cousland players wouldn’t cry how their OC is not evil and would save poor elfs.


I find this amusing, because almost every “Good” play through on youtube is a Cousland. Meanwhile the “evil” play throughs tend to always be dwarven noble.

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My “Good” playthrough tends to be Mage, just to spite Chantry and being the perfect mage Templars can’t do anything about.

Evil? City Elf. And it’s just wrecking havoc on Ferelden and their evils. It’s perfectly justified too.


I mean, Cailan’s fair game but, Maric didn’t exactly get to do all that much governing I believe, between first having to take his place back from the Orlesians and then dissappearing?

I lately saw xLetalis’s one, where he goes as female city elf and just does all the horrible things.

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Honestly, agreed. When I played a city elf rogue, I made her absolutely hateful after the opening and she basically went on a campaign to sabotage the entire kingdom out of revenge while also dealing with the darkspawn.

She was so full of spite.

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part 2


Nobody survives the Blight, not darkspawn not shemlen

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So heavy book spoilers:

Dragon Age book spoilers for multiple books

Maric is still alive, or was during Origins. Alistair and a few others later start to track his dissapearance and it eventually leads to him being found imprisoned by a Tevinter Magister, kept alive and forcibly experimented on and drained of blood for decades. All because of a rumor that he has dragon blood in his his family line.

They free him in the end, but it kills him.

Yes, I know. Joyously Im on the NHS waiting list, which was revealed the other day to be laughably long (8 years worth of backlog across the UK :upside_down_face:) for assessment, so… just gotta make do with the Preliminary Tests they use, all of which so far have pointed ‘Likely or Very Likely’.

But it also might not be, so yay, I might just be useless and broken in OTHER ways! :upside_down_face::upside_down_face::upside_down_face:

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I knew that, read up on it, but still counts as dissappearing.

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I knew which video this was before I opened it.


But I thought the Brexit people said that the NHS would be fixed if you screwed up the economy and embraced several years of right-wing governing. You mean to tell me they LIED?

In seriousness too, big hugs :frowning: Long waiting list sucks and I hope things will improve for you along the way too.