Pet peeves: The return (Part 7)

The fun part is that The Old World has re-tweaked the sexism, so now the Brets are just classist not sexist :smile:

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Is that child showing a vague bit of magic in them?..GET IN THE SACK!


Oh, yeah, they still absolutely yeet their arcane kids to the fae, true.

Magic male child?
It can stay a child forever, as a butler for the wood elves.
Magic female baby? She gets to age, but also stay beautiful and powerful.

I don’t think anything about Bretonnia can be fun actually :sunglasses:

…during the time of the three emperors! I’ll await a verdict on ‘modern’ Old World as an when we get it in a WFRP book, although I fully expect it to be toned down, still.

On the one hand I’m glad because it makes Bretonnia absolutely not fun to adventure in in a TTRPG, on the other hand, that’s still maintained by the classism unless your party is all nobles (highly unlikely, and even then they’re foreign) and it makes the whole idea of showing just how absolutely awful Full Steam Feudalism Empowered By Magic And A God Saying Its Correct To Be Like This is

It kind of undermines the whole 'horrible feudalism except for our god’s favourite magic girls because they’re not like the other ones :sparkles: ’ particular type of awful

something incredibly funny about the ‘bretonnian women are not allowed to show their hair. if they’re ran in on while bathing the first thing they’ll cover is their hair’ thing while Damsels are Like That


“Look! It squeaks when you pet it!”

Skink: [the second I find the artifact I’m looking for I’m going to boil your insides and eat the carrion]

“Aww, it likes it :3”


The Skinks and their big Kroxigor buddies were a Good part of the TW:W Lizardmen campaigns

praise tehenhauin, who sacrificed so many skaven that in age of sigmar they still have an ancestral fear of lizards baked into them

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As they sssshould~

Tehenauin points at tablet “It says all you heretical mf’ers be sacrificed.”

I will also love the fact that his and Ikit’s reveal trailer were a Predator reference:


(reads the posts)

Ah yes, I know some of these words

Tehenhauin is a man-sized lizard who killed so many rat men that the blood would flow down the steps of his temples like rivers

Killed so many that he spawned a god about it and then kept going


That’s how I feel with your Middle Earth posting.


All fighter party.

The Sword and Board

The Longbowman

The Landsknecht (halberd)

The Swordsman (rapier)

i don’t understand either of them

Sorry, I’ll cut down on it. I know now what it feels like.

Please don’t. We may not understand, but we (I) can appreciate the enthusiasm/passion.


If you enjoy something, talk about it.
It’s also how interest is drawn, by discussing things.

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middle earth posting is precisely what prompted my rereading of fellowship of the ring

which is not going very well, but that’s not the point


You’re making the effort, which is what counts!

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