Pet peeves: The return (Part 7)

please dont i wish i could talk with as much passion about what i like as you do


We all have our things we like to talk about in here.
Some don’t get much chat started at times, but it’s good we all have something we enjoy enough to bring up.
We are all nerds for different things, and we should keep enjoying what we do and sharing it.


you do. every post you’ve made about me has been very passion filled

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The difference between someone middle earth posting and someone doing warhammer posting is that I feel like the former is genuinely trying to get you into the mythos and worldbuilding of Tolkein, whereas the latter is just like “and now you understand why we spam heresy!”

That is to say I personally don’t judge LoTR fans - you’re just invested heavily into something you enjoy and that’s kind of fine.

(Okay the same’s true of Warhammer fans but frankly I just think they smell worse than the lotr crowd)


‘i dont like warhammer so when people talk about it its because they’re stupid and hate stupid jokes, unlike when it’s when people talk about something i am personally interested in’

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I look at our conversation above, then at you.
I seem confused.

Yeah. But wolves are cool.


Regarding the “return to tradition, play a white male human fighter, refuse to elaborate, chad human fighter versus soy tiefling warlock, etc” memes…

According to official D&D Beyond statistics, year after year, human is always the most played race and fighter is always the most played class. It’s not the contrarian underdog option, you’re not sticking it to the man by playing a human fighter, you’re not taking a stand against the legions of special snowflake races… It’s the dominant and most common choice.

There’s nothing wrong with human fighters as a choice, they can be very cool, I just disagree with the belief that they’re the cool anti-zeitgeist option, a rare beacon of normalcy and decency amidst a sea of special snowflake nonsense.

Also, genuinely encourage looking at the stats because there’s some cool tidbits in them. Apparently aarakocra, especially aarakocra monks, are surprisingly popular?


That’s why they acknowledge Sigmar as the Big Cool Guy, unlike their worshipers :saluting_face:

real Reiklander patriots will understand, though, that my interest in Warhammer is much like someone else’s interest might be in Tolkien’s works, it’s just that the focus is different ie instead of the mythological aspects of the setting (w/e imo) i like the funky scheming and politicking and more ‘contemporary’ historical events of the setting - much like how a lot of people enjoy A Song of Ice and Fire or what have you

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Admittedly I’m a little salty/sidetracked because it keeps popping up in my timeline that Whammer players keep saying and doing stupid stuff and I kinda forgot that there are actually reasonable people who like the game, so yeah I screwed up there, sorry.


I enjoy the world, races and how things fit together.
Like Pigbarter being a melting pot of all races!
I love a good book like Gotrek and Felix, or the Orion trilogy.
Total War Warhammer is what set me off and I absorbed a lot because of an RTS making me want to read more lore.

… I hate 40k though

One of our friends is looking at lore so we can do a nice RP campaign in the Old World. My partner seems oddly set on being a Lizardman of some form of a Witch Hunter.

That’s The Joke.

Wholly depends what circles you move in, and D&D race/class polls are always going to be severely inaccurate because conducting actual longitudinal research into what the most selected race/class options are (beyond an extremely small 1000-5000 people poll) is nigh-impossible just because most people do not partake in these polls and many play in Homebrew campaigns utterly outside the purview of WotC.

They are, but its also why they tend to have high selection rates on polls but see the above for the issue with said polls.

love 40k, hate talking about the setting with random strangers online

or space marine fans

do it do it do it (WFRP4e is my favorite TTRPG), if you go with something set in the Old World roll Witch Hunter imo - Lizardman is odd to fit in and would, playing by the setting as its written, result in a lot of people being weirded out or scared at seeing the character, while the Witch Hunter’d perfectly blend in and offer a lot of cool interactions, good and bad!

there’s so much space for 40k-posting that people don’t appreciate



As someone who knows a lot about Middle-earth and barely a thing about Warhammer, I don’t think this is fair at all.

We’re simply passionate about different settings.


WoW used to be my passionate setting I knew everything about, but around Mists I just really couldn’t keep up anymore and lost my urge to read everything and absorb all of the lore.


It may end up being elsewhere.
But most things tend to be Old World cause it’s the most fleshed out.
Lustria is a bit too hostile.
Ulthuan too elfy unless you’re in a trading area in Lothern.
Although parts of the Border Princes may work out.
I’ll see what happens, I’ll inevitably be a dwarf or high elf.

reject this, embrace niche Dark Eldar loreposting

Thrall was mad. Then he was sad. Then he was a dad.


I can’t help it, I just [clenches fist] love noise marines so much

In my current TWWH3 campaign, I’ve been playing as Malakai again. Decided to start in Karak Azorn for a different start.
I’ve been shuffling around slowly.
Most of the Chaos Dwarf land has been taken over by the Brettonians, care of Bohemond.
And Nagash has begun to nibble on Imrik, so I’m off to save the high elves.
Trying to keep an eye on Grimgor who is fighting northern chaos forces but will likely win out due to his WAAAAGH!

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