Pet peeves: The return (Part 7)

Insufferable Loremaster.
Good with great sword and magic.

Dwarf engineer.
Guns seek your soul.

Of course I do. That watercolour-ish aesthetic is terrific.


Ofc x
honestly if someone starts a conversation with me about guild wars thats the end for them thats my lore hyperfixation.

the struggle of being a night lords fan for a reason that isnt because their massive edgelords but because some of the older named marines were actual chads


see the neat thing about being a Sisters of Silence fan is I can point at any named characters of theirs and everyone can universally agree they’re like the coolest thing ever immediately, life is good

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i’m surprised you have much to say about them, huhuhuhuhuhu


if its any consolation to the Elves they’re also the reason why the Abrahmic God of my World (in this case, The Most Holy to the Humans) almost entirely abandoned the concept of creation because his first creations when given free will and magic immediately decided to commit themselves to idolatry, blood magic and just all around make their unbound arrogance and pride everybody else’s problem. So God just locked himself away until an indentured human slave won his heart and inspired him to return to the universe.

The Humans have had massive Main Character Syndrome because of this ever since.


it is impossible for me to stop yapping about them, because someone has to and they won’t do it themselves

Nearly every Imperial Guard vehicle being named after some kind of animal (Basilisk, Hellhound, Manticore, etc) implies that the imperium considers Leman Russ to be an animal send post

Lemon Ruff is a breed of dog in the 40k universe and they just misspelled it. :pensive:

Watching House of the Dragon and it’s making me want to re-read GoT. But fighting that urge is the annoyance that the last few books of the series wont be finished.



Write them yourself.

If George won’t, he can’t really complain…


I think i’ve joked about Brandon Sanderson finishing it before. The man is a machine. Dude writes books like i eat hot dinners.


This was a while back but I saw some guy say he’d written a Battletech novel, some 90k-100k words, in less than 5 weeks, which is a frankly insane output. Deeply envious.

reading wheel of time rn and about to finish book 5 soon:tm:

I’m wondering, would it make sense to add forums to Chaos Archives (same engine as the Blizzard forums, and with the possibility of posting as characters, like here) or is that feature creep?

Things are about to get interesting!

Lost my wallet. Turned over my living room twice. Turned over every other room once. Checked my bank statements to make sure no one was stealing my money. Turned over my living room again. Messaged a friend to complain about losing it. Immediately find it two minutes later.

It had fallen out of my bag when I unlocked my front door yesterday, and tucked itself into a corner by my gate. I hadn’t noticed, and thankfully neither had anyone else. Most thankfully, I found it before I cancelled the cards, not after.

I would suggest you do not, solely because the existence of a forum requires moderating/moderators, and that is a thankless job.


I continue to bamboozle, amuse, be torn to shreds by and feed the Co-operators of Elden Ring.

It’s bizarrely amusing and cathartic for me :smile: my favourite so far have been a Silustria/Oreovis cosplay pair duking it out with people in Siofra. I dropped in on them three times, and it was amusing and wholesome in equal measure.

The queue in wow keeps kicking me out.

Let me do a random dungeon and LFR raid game.

The “lost” Order of the Stick book “Snips, Snails and Dragon Tales”, previously only available as a physical book, can now be also bought in PDF form! Now with Gygax magazine strips included!