Pet peeves: The return (Part 7)

i hoist you into the Kharon-Pattern Acquisitor™ and disappear you in the bowels of the Dreaded Black Ships forever

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Implying that’s enough to stop an Ultramarine.

I proceed to elaborately explain why it is because my little toy soldiers are, in fact, better :smirk:

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As someone who was There during the oft-maligned Wardian Era, I’ve since renounced the ‘hating Ultramarines is ok’ thing, because way too often it’s sat alongside a bunch of other red flags from Terminally Online Black Templar/Dark Angel ‘RPing this entirely too seriously’ people, and nah. Miss me with that stinky :sweat_smile:

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you hate ultramarines because of internet memes

i hate them because they get cool new kits every year while my precious Dark Eldar just get units removed from their army roster every edition


I say this as the type of incredibly white-bread bureaucratic pencil-pusher that Ultramarines appeal too but new-era Ultramarines with Guilliman are genuinely some of the most well-written Chapters and Characters. Guilliman waking up in the sheer utter hellhole that is the 42nd Millenium and just [Wanting To Die] is so good. He is me when I wake up on a Monday morning.


Orks :handshake: Dark Eldar
“Stop taking options away, this is Less Fun!”

That comment was about everyone. I know of rather significant communities who complain about an overwhelming amount of characters, which is what they like to call most non-human and non-fighter characters.

So if the joke is that humans are the most popular race and fighters are the most common class, but these people still want less non-humans and non-fighters, then it seems like a severe case of wanting to have their cake and eat it too.


While this is possible, it should also be acknowledged that the majority of online campaigns tend to fizzle out very early on. A lot of these characters may have been abandoned after just one or two sessions, but I suspect that there is a good chance that a lot of them were actually played.

They keep getting lost in the warp

Got a whole bunch of new options and new kits!!

Meanwhile Dark Eldar get a Kill Team release (upgrade sprue for existing kit) and they’re just like ‘yeah no rules for this. just use them as regular guys. what do you mean kabalite trueborn. those arent a thing anymore quit trying to have more than three units’

I’m fully expecting the next codex for them to remove at least three more units, frankly (Beastmaster + pack, Court of the Archon, Grotesques)

:point_up: :nerd_face: they don’t travel using the warp

Ideally these polls and metrics would have the ability to stand up to Proper Academic Rigour :tm: but alas they aren’t made for academic purpose really and they’re more of a yearly fun post for people to gawk at the big numbers. In a perfect world it would exclude characters 5 and below and would discount characters with less than 50~ or so hours on them in the Roll20 VTT.

That’s why they keep getting lost!!!

Vaguely gestures at mods
There’s one called change starting settlement. Not sure it still works, I do it manually with console.

Also, Kraka Drak belongs to the faction of said name and their Norse dwarf king.


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Orks ‘new’ Boyz kit is entirely monopose and has terrible mixed loadouts.

The new Big Mek model is ok, but is absolutely terrible as a ‘not good at ranged but also not great at melee’ hybrid.

That’s… also the newest model for a number of years?

Still get the old kit too, though.

All the beast-snaggas and their squigs are pretty recent, and that’s a lot of new units!

Why would she? They’re outside the caste system of her kingdom.

awkward feet shuffling as the three black dragon brothers silently agree to never speak of this again.

Toddy Whiskers is released around christmas. It has egg in it for some indecipherable reason. People drink it for tiktok react clicks.

Never underestimate the creative effort and material expense invested in elven spite.

“He is even worse than an Ulrican. He is - may Sigmar forgive me for uttering this word, a bretonnian!

Prophet Tenehuini is silly.


There’s a non 50% chance they sideteack on how awesome the wehrmacht/crusades were. At least when dealing with imperium fans…

The seafaring elves and ranger dwarves are the weird xenophiles who don’t fit in with the perfect society, mind.

Got bored one evening, stitched all my slaves together by tubes and whistles. Now they play a delightful high pitched melody when they breathe.

His “what the hell, you all suck!” reaction to everything the imperium has become has to be a jab at the worst people worshiping this setting. Which is good.


Ah, I genuinely forgot about the ‘Nearly Primaris but Not Primaris Orks that are just uber Snakebites that nobody asked for’ :sweat_smile:

Ah well. I don’t disagree; being Vect back, you cowards.

The fact that I’ve kept one going for 4+ years is something I count as nothing short of a miracle.

gee do you think the dracthyr might have had any viewpoint on “dragon creation used as tools but viewed as lessers and ignored by their creators”, sure am glad they were a major part of the drakonid rebellion questchain

and on a quick skim, they do not appear to have been involved whatsoever

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the perfect Ork unit is the Kommando Nobz someone kitbashed so when you put them together they turn into a space marine rhino with NOT ORKZ painted on the side

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I’m both proud and ashamed to say two sessions ago the characters had an NPC tell them this exact line almost word for word

All dark eldar fans should immediately follow @jetblackraider, it’s like makani but if you like evil space elves with a funky art style

Give me my Lady Malys back, this time with a model, GW…