Pet peeves: The return (Part 7)

The change in horn colour disgusts me!


Fix the horn colour >I

Also rate my dragon


I got curious to see what sort of warhammer stuff is on etsy and to no great surprise there’s a lot of 40k adjacent models which are just far enough away as to be legally distinct.

Some of it’s kinda cool though.
Like these not-dreadnoughts.

I can clear this up. Anything they don’t like=“woke”
Anything they like=“based”.

There are no thoughts beyond that.


A lot of it just hits the mark for me. This beauty, though…

I find etsy/3d printed stuff mostly interesting for scenery and tabletop rpg minis. Stuff made by Vae Victis is perfect for Warhammer Fantasy though, all around fantastic designs

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no now im making it an ic thing!!!

extremly pleasing colour scheme and aeshtetic i rate it 10 kobolds out of 10

The Baldur’s Gate 3 where there’s plenty of gay relationship options? Where you can customize genitals independently of voice and body type? Where, iirc, you can set they/them pronouns? That Baldur’s Gate 3?


Sounds like in Blythan’s quote, that person was just using “woke” as a general “I don’t like this thing” word.

But never underestimate the ability of people to look back at something in the past and declare it a wholesome, pure, traditional product of the good old days, completely devoid of politics, even if it was produced as recently as Baldur’s Gate 3.


Race: Human Male, white
Class: Knight with a longsword

Yep, it’s gaming time!

“Why is modern Star Trek political???”
Yes, also something I’ve seen in the wild


Ah yes, the famously apolitical classic Star Trek, with stories about apolitical topics like… racism on a planet of people white on the left and black on the right, and the other way round.


Or a gender bending alien slug with a clear anaology that… the race of hyper violent warriors are totally cool with it because they literally don’t care.

Or the freedom fighter/terrorist/religious zealot finding out not everybody she’s been fighting is le evil.

Or a man becoming a religious figer and how to best use, or not, use that position.

Or a power mad group of aliens who were attacked once and decided slavery and genocide were a good idea, using an enslaved army of drug addicts.

Or just pretty much any klingon centric episode, honestly. Those lunatics always have some sort of curious, often badly handled granted, morality play going on.

Nope. Star Trek has never covered political topics. Not gone near them or any other difficult topic ever, at any point in it’s history until recently. Never been done.


Okay, so the next quest in the SI:7 Report series is also bugged. And I don’t have a good workaround for this one.

Whose idea was it to make the Jade Forest storyline linear and lock most of it behind four unskippable quests where you have to play as an NPC, with unskippable dialogue?

And why is the main FOMO activity broken by the prepatch still not fixed a week after its release?


Yeah the US American series that aired its first episode in 1966 with the main cast including a black lady, an asian man and a guy called Pavel Chekov in the middle of the cold war is really apolitical.
Sorry u_u it just is

Tbh even without the bugs this was by far one of the worst parts of MoP
The NPC quests are just not fun and extremely endangered by bugs
I had a char get stuck in one of them simply by having to go afk for a bit once


A lot of people on various social media have been really vocal recently about asking Blizzard to delay TWW by a few months at minimum due to various, yet-unfixed game-breaking bugs on the Beta. For example, I believe Delves are still improperly scaling, various Hero Talent Trees still do not function correctly on Beta and some fundamentally do not work full-stop, doing the main-questing throughout all the zones leaves you 2-3 levels below max (admittedly the most minor issue atm because doing a healthy dose of side-content in each zone mooostly balances it out) and there are several technical instabilities in the TWW Beta as well.

This is a separate issue but it also peeves me that TWW has the smallest levelling campaign and smallest max-level campaign in this game’s history, beating out DF’s previous record of something like 150 quests by reducing it down to barely 100. The TWW zones also suffer a similar problem because despite being huge zones they have. . .very little questing, most have 5-6 side quest storylines at most.


I feel like this is a natural consequence of the World Soul Saga. Shorter expansions coming quicker.

It doesn’t bode well for what Midnight might look like, but perhaps that’s where the majority of their resources are being funnelled with them needing to redo Quel’Thelas and then later needing to redo Northrend. Just means TWW got the short end of the stick.

Definitely agree with the calls for a delay though, it’s in rough shape.


“We’re playing for all the marbles […] when it comes to warcraft’s story we ain’t screwing around”

Reduces the questing by almost 50% and reduces the campaign down to 5 chapters each with just 1-2 small 4-5 quest storylines involved.

Forum are we in trouble.


Im not very hopeful for midnight. Im frankly not hopeful for anything in wow rn. They dont care about the lore or the story. Everything feels extremely superficial. I wanted to be hopeful but things are gonna be dogwater.


I’m mostly worried what the draught could look like. They did well to try and stave it off in DF until 10.2 hit and they added things like MoP Remix to keep it going even then but its very obvious that DF is manned by a skeleton crew currently due to. . .well everything currently broken by the 11.0 pre-patch installation. Will the draughts get worse if an expansion is only meant to properly last a year with the 6 months at the end being the wait for the next expansion? Will they be better because they only need to plan a years worth of content with pacing made for a year?

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nah not me. i barely get time to play anyway.


This is the question on my mind rn. Eso moved to the same business model of an expac a year and it lead to losing the good mid-expac patch and reduced content quality. Its why this new model for wow worries me if it follows suit.