Pet peeves: The return (Part 7)

Chris metzen


Gw2 also moved to the expac a year model and while the quality decline wasnt as noticeable you could still tell it was much lesser than we had gotten prior by losing 2 zones and 3 patches of content. Faster will always mean lesser.

ESO’s model frankly sucks after the first couple of years

Every year feels the exact same in content releases, the ‘big expansion’ is always extremely similar in content, pacing, and structure, etc


Yeah atm theyve basically gone back to the same model they had for Morrowind and Summerset but it still somehow feels worse.

Like the content’s fine and the design is generally nice, but it’s so formulaic that it just loses the shine and excitement I’d feel for it


Hence my worry wow is gonna follow suit for expansions. I get what your saying and agree. Even when new systems, like scribing, were brought in it felt tedious not fun.

Im getting too old for the modern day mmo. Take me back to 2007 playing guild wars after school


I think the problem is more that the modern day mmo is too old for us, to be entirely honest. The genre is limping along with little to no innovation and has been for years.

Luckily it still makes enough money to keep going and then some.


I agree that it is but weve had nothing new thats actually lasted in the market. New World was doomed in less than a month because Amazon couldn’t manage it. The new LotR mmo was cancelled. Riots League MMO got overhauled mid development and could be years before we actually see anything of it.

The ones still going atm wont take the risks so its leaving us in a really stagnant place.

MMO’s are incredibly high risk ventures, just like the live service that has been in vogue in the last 5 or so years.

Turn back the clock 15 years and everybody and their grandmother was trying to break into the MMO market because of the success of WoW and very few lived beyond their first year or so. The market for MMO’s has only got so much capacity, the same players that will play Warhammer Online are the same that will play WoW and so on. It cannot survive saturation and the cost of making them is colossal.

We see the same pattern now with publishers chasing the live action trend, which suffers from exactly the same problem. The market cannot sustain more than a few of them at a time and you’re really rolling the dice on whether or not yours will land and bring in the kind of cash that everyone is chasing after.

The more things change the more they stay the same.


is it a wonder then ive seen greater demand atm for older games, both mmo and single player.

Armored Core TTRPG announced. And it’s by the Japanese devs who did the Dark Souls RPG, not the 5e ‘conversion’ that came out. :pray:

I’m sure they’ll frame it as being so people can enjoy the max level content faster but how about we don’t make the RPG game centred around people who don’t want to engage with the story


man i’m so smart today


in this i still respect arenanet over blizzard because i can still feel there was some passion put into the story over the pve endgame. (dont ask the pvpers about that side of things its fine its FINE.)

“I want men back in the game!”
I look at Thrall, Anduin, Khadgar and the others Who are they?
“They’re too sensitive! They’re not manly men! MEN!”

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I’d like Gamers™ to take their smelly opinions away with them but we can’t all get what we want.


Been more than a month since last tabletop rpg night and tonight’s one just got cancelled

woe is me :frowning:


Relatable. We’ve barely played any lately, our DM got into a relationship just before Christmas and since then he’s just never arranging sessions. Bro got new priorities and that’s cool, happy for him, but at the same time I want to play.


Probably the perfect example of you can make it as “woke” or "political " as you want as long as you make a fun + good game.

Veilguard from what I can see has very little going on for it, beyond a romance simulator so people will complain about what gets shoved in their face. Which probably has a level of outrage farming going on too.


I’m a little miffed, especially, because this has been keeping on happening of late, while at the same time because I work full-time, but irregular shifts, I’ve been trying to schedule myself in a way that accomodates for more potential time that I know the others in the group generally prefer for playing at the expense of giving myself some pretty awful work schedules at times… and it then being cancelled anyways!!

Yeah that’s happened to us a few times recently. We’ve been trying to get a session together for months for a big moment in the campaign, we’re playing Kingmaker and assaulting the Stag Lord’s fort.

DM wants everybody to be present for the big moment which is great, but there’s 6 players and each time someone has pulled out last minute.

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