Pet peeves: The return (Part 7)

“I ain’t got time to play!” Said akamito with the most manly voice while looking his manliest ever. (bonuspoints if you get the paraphrase reference).

To me it’s more the recent attempts of some parts of the story trying to make the Void out as no worse than other forces that are clearly more benevolent than it.

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light propaganda at work yet again


If the light’s so good, why do my eyes hurt if i stare at a bulb HUH? But they don’t hurt when its dark?

Checkmate paladinheads.


“No you see Ny’alotha was actually really socially progressive, they had tentacle eldritch communism, all you had to do was completely destroy your own individuality and ability to process anything as an individual and let the Old God completely take over your spirit, body and mind to become nothing more than an extension of it’s will so you can keep sacrificing slaves to it because Ny’alotha is ran entirely on slave-sacrifice.”

There’s a message in there somewhere, but its not the one they think it is.



you have my attention


I can’t believe you tell me to dial it down when you’re getting giddy over tentacles.

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Undermine future. Still deeply dislike the story they made about Gazlowe, it takes away any spice that goblins had. Evil little shi-:poop:-ers is what they were and should be. And since blizzard plays to the tune of the main character of the culture represents the whole culture we’ll not see any real opposition to it. Token perhaps, immediately shown how wrong they are.


it’s mostly about the communism, i’ll take tentacles with them if I have to


I respect that, and I get it honestly.

Watched a short about colour theory stuff
people fighting over that stupid dress colour thing in the comments

It’s been years
can we grow past calling each other stupid over an optical illusion already?

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Goblins just becoming green gnomes now because Gazlowe thinks the environmental destruction the Goblins have wreaked across Kalimdor is really bad is semi-funny because it has taken him 30 years to realise that but also because it means that they’re just going to become indiscernible from Gnomes minus their green skin and new jersey accents.




Since when do gnomes care about environmental destruction though? They’re as destructive as the goblins are, they’re just Alliance so it doesn’t get any attention.


finally someone says it

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It’s dirty nukes vs oil spills and toxins

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True actually. The biggest difference between gnomes and goblins have been the monetary angle & how they view the creation process. A gnome will go through several prototypes, a goblin will likely throw things together and say “Good enough, now sell it”.

Neither cares for the cost of lives in the process or the destruction though. If anything gnomes are more prone to it as its “research data”.

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And not to mention dwarves alongside them

gyrocopters have multiple exhausts


Saw a fair few oil spills up in Mechagon…

If someone buys it, it’s a good product. If it breaks down, and you can sell another one? It’s a GREAT product.

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Meanwhile gnomes don’t really know why they make stuff. They just do it because, why not?

A goblin will at least have an end goal. A gnome can make a machine that blows up a moon because “Well, Why not?”

Hard to keep a city clean post nuking it yourself