Pet peeves: The return (Part 7)

DnD’s final boss is always scheduling.

Feel it heavy on my heart since my game is on a month long break with no good dates in August.

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Not gonna lie I’m also a bit tired of having to be the one to constantly try and take care of scheduling aside from DMing


Don’t get me started on Khadgar. What happened to the WoD version of the character?? Bring back the dude who tears dams down with meteors and time-locks an entire fleet.

Combat looks like it’s the best they’ve ever had it, though I suppose that’s not saying much for Dragon Age.

I think scheduling should never be a DM’s job because they’ve got enough on their plate but most groups ain’t ready for that conversation…

It’s a little Dragon Age 2 in its combat.

Flashy animations with very little substance. I would personally prefer hard return to its cRPG roots. Use the animations but for love of god, give mages more than 3 skills.

I was gonna say, either having the sessions be a fixed time or having one of the players take over responsibility for scheduling is the best way

And a different player writes a summary of each session

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I swear to god people act like relationship means severing all ties to your friends. Ive had this happen with dms and friends and it makes it hard to be happy if their personality does a 360

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mine ain’t even ready to purchase rulebooks for anything but D&D unfortunately, and I never run D&D

I tried this because I could just schedule in a fixed day or evening off in my work schedule, but apparently all the mrs working 9 to 4:30-5 can’t do that!!!

sorry but i cant hang out in the weekend anymore i need to exclusively do relationship stuff then

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Guilty of this.

Dumbbutt is yelling because he doesn’t want to eat the food in his bowl.

Seems like a you problem gorge.

Dog growled at me yesterday because I told him to stop eating grass (his food bowl was still full)

I’d get Leo cat grass, but i know he’d just go sulk and eat that instead of his actual food.

i can never fault a priority shift, no one can for a relationship but ive seen it with a friend or two where the relationship goes sour and suddenly they got no friends to hang with anymore :pensive:

i thought we had something special. you broke my heart :sob:

Speaking of cats-- what it feels like sharing your bed with a cat;


(yes, I did catch that pokemanz)


I’m aware I’m late to it but that island hopping nonsense with the bow elf in voidy dark land was so utterly unengaging and utterly boring for what’s meant to set up… well… now, that I don’t care. I’m not interested. I’m not engaged. This might well be the first xpac I give a pass from due to just not caring about it. And I managed to care about shadowlands! Shadowlands!

I don’t care about the void, I don’t care about what ever the heck it was I just played through. And honestly using the most boring elf in the history of elfdom is not helping. Such a shame because dragonflight was a massive high relatively. Oh well.

how am i supposed to stay focused and awake in the office with no air conditioning and gross temperatures


Yeah, if you’re not keen on the Void as part of WoW’s story then TWW was never going to excite you.

Personally I love the Void conceptually, if not always in practice.

The void could be interesting if it ever resulted in something more than tentacles, purple colours, and gravelly voices whispering me i will die knowing nothing… the three pentacles of the fallen eon… and every minor NPC you befriend getting corrupted (turning purple and using tentacles to kill me)

For me it feels we end up fighting this particular guy.

this is why i bought a giant fan yesterday. aaaaaaaaaaah