Pet peeves: The return (Part 7)

Alot of Lovecraftian horror also relies on “Ahh scary things make you insane. Cosmic being wants to eat you.”

Without realizing that the insanity isn’t from seeing a scary thing, it’s from not even being able to comprehend and understand it. Your ant analogy is perfect for it.

And the scary monster is scary because it doesn’t care about you, the universe doesn’t care. It could step on you and the world would carry on as normal, it didn’t even see that you were there.

It’s less scary if it specifically wants to eat you directly.

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It doesn’t care until it goes into its kitchen and you’re all in a circle chanting its name.


Seen it, I liked it alot!

I’ve watched most of Carpenter’s films at this point.

I also heavily recommend his short movie “Cigarette burns” from the “Masters of Horror” tv show.

It’s basically an adaptation of the King in Yellow. Focused on a rumored film that makes people who watch it go insane and die. And a film collector wants it & hires the main character to track it down.

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One more point for Bloodborne with its “see odd stuff, get more insane” mechanic (then go spend your odd stuff seen points at the odd stuff trader) and the “are we the bad guys?” exploitation plot of cosmic horror…

Meanwhile the cosmic horrors just have a casual telenovela plot going on

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dunno about my “dumber than a box of rocks hunter” but otherwise yeah we are…

At least he looks pretty?

(sorry for the quality, not having an online PS account meant i took this on my phone)



Bloodborne, the best lovecraftian feminism game. (I love the topic of Bloodborne being very feminine as a game and its story).


He looks like a sleep-deprived vampire.

He is lovely.

Runeterra’s Void often gets this right, because the motivation for them devouring the world is just that existence is bright and annoying and they want it to go away so they can go back to ‘normal’

That and they have excellent names, especially the Balestriders - She Who Wanders, It That Stares and They Who Endure are perfect


My hunter is a str/int build with a wheel for a weapon and a bucket as a hat
think yours is probably doing okay

It’s the most feminine of games and we support her

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I want Bel’Veth to live her best life.

And also eat me because she is hot.


That was the intention, yeah (he uses bloodtinge weapons)

He’s also not actually dumb, just done with this BS, “this is our 3rd go through, let me die!”

“I got to the end, killed a god, it does not matter, I once again wake up on that table again and again.”

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all hail empress manta ray


I really wish I could vibe better with her playstyle.

Sadly, she isn’t for me and I prefer either casters or Akali.

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I am forever a Vel’koz stan, who is rumoured to be a rebel because he wants existence to continue so that he can continue dissecting it

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I like Kog’maw.

I have the octo-dad Vel’Koz skin and I always play with it. He is a refined gentleman void squid.

I greatly enjoy playing Vex or Malzahar.

I think the void has been damaged - as a narrative entity - by chronicles and BFA. BFA especially, you can’t really have this magic that has a penchant for skulduggery, manipulation and toying with people’s sanity just suddenly be wielded with “no you can’t detect it actually if we cast this one void spell :nerd_face:”.

My brother, why would the void aligned cosmic powers not do this all the time when it relies on slowly enroaching in places and manipulating people while hoping no one notices?


Blizzard played too hard and fast with the Void. It needed alot more slower build up and shouldn’t have served as any major main force(Like BfA) until they were sure that it was gonna be the end of its arc in the setting.

This was my issue with Alarak back in HotS u_u

Never played LoL
Only know some champions from looking at art

They never think things through.
So many plot holes that you could use as decent plot hooks but no
gotta retcon stuff into not making sense because someone had a "cool idea :sunglasses: "

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Its why my human priest doubles up as a mad scientist, they are both parts of the mythos. Summoning eldritch deities and the science gone wrong.

They will forever be dreaming of Nya’lotha.