Pet peeves: The return (Part 7)

I ended up really enjoying Auriel when it came to hots. Nice combo of heal and damage.

Abathur is best bean ever, in all of moba. #sluglife

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I really enjoyed playing Varian, i enjoyed HoTs however DotA2 owns my soul. :pensive:

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How Blythan plays a moba: By playing strategy game instead and afking in the base.

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I feel like I am perpetually the odd one out because there’s nothing about Lovecraftianism or Cosmic Horror that I am capable of ‘getting’. Lovecraft’s gothic horror stories like the Necromancer vibe a lot, lot more to me because of their comprehendible, genuine horror whereas stories like the Colour Out of Space are very. . .hard to understand the actual horror of because I’m too busy trying to rationalise why he’s using a prism’s ability to project a rainbow of colours as a cosmic horror entity.

Maybe my biggest “maybe I should get checked for autism” sign is actually just that I am perpetually on whichever side of a fiction book represents Order:tm: and Structure:tm:. I play entirely White in MTG and don’t really see the appeal in the other colours, I predominantly make use of characters tied to organisations with an emphasis on morality or structured, daily living with rituals consistently performed daily.

The Legion arguably is a much more horrific entity to me, if in large part due to the genuine scope of its chaos we’ve seen unleashed across the Warcraft universe and the massive extent of its influence on Azeroth and the setting as a whole. Sargeras always felt like more of a Cosmic Horror than the Actual Cosmic Horror force because he was always being mentioned and being involved in the Legion’s plans but we never ever got to see him until Legion’s finale.


Meanwhile I play almost exclusively black/blue because I enjoy control decks and magic.

Or if I want to be funny, I play narrative thematic rainbow decks(Like a Nicol Bolas deck or Amonkhet Eternal deck).

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I wanted to reply to this earlier but it was too warm so I took nap instead, so I shall reply now.

I think that the Void has been depicted in some really cool ways over the years, with the chief examples being Ulduar, the Emerald Nightmare, and the Sha.

They all felt interesting and distinct. I want to say Ahn’Qiraj because evil bug monsters in service to a primordial deity is all kinds of cool, but it feels more like it predated Blizzard’s future direction with the Old Gods and the Void.

Blizzard rarely hits home runs outright, but I don’t think they’ve done badly with the Void (especially when relative to the general standard of the game’s writing).

The more eerie, cerebral aspects of Lovecraftian fiction probably couldn’t be translated very well into a catch-all MMO that needs to cater to everyone over the age of thirteen. I love them, and I love basing RP around them, but they’re not so suited for the MMO format in my opinion.


Abathur hides in the bushes, never the base :I how else are my children supposed to reach the enemy tower… or their other buildings when no one’s looking?

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That one is because he was getting annoyed with how aliens were becoming too “friendly” in media outside of his own.

That and when the colour leaves, it looks like a nuke had gone off at the sight.

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The little crafting side quests in the first season of discovery was enjoyable too.

Of course, forgive me! (Im not a very good Abathur player)

Also I was… femboy trans Diablo in HotS which is just on point i guess?


I mained anub’arak, my might could not be matched


Prime Evil Diablo from D3 has hips for days and she/they are very cool.

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I think that it’s easy to fall into ‘all the void depictions are the same’, but when you actually step back and look at it, there’s a lot of variety. Yeah, there’s a lot of tentacles, but tentacles are an easy way of depicting perturbing wrongness (octopi and squids are creepy deal with it).


I mostly had BfA Void on the mind tbh (which is probably what we’ll get)

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Very feminine.

But also very much Diablo.

I think its their best appearence honestly, but I may be biased.

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I figured, which is why I disputed it since there’s demonstrably more kinds of Void shown in the setting. Not that I think you’re wrong in that TWW is probably going to be more like BFA’s depiction than anything else.

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Diablo 3 got alot of flak from some fans, but I liked the direction they took Diablo as a character and the final design.

Also Reaper of Souls was one of the best pieces of Diablo story ever and Malthael is so freaking cool. I still go back and watch the intro sometimes.


Frankly unforgiveable as sins go, Vixi.