Pet peeves: The return (Part 7)

(With a Sad Tone) Yes.

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She is absolutely gay (has a girlfriend in innistrad, the gothic horror plane) but they did fumble her first relationship badly yes


She also has a cute elven gf and previously had a cool sword lesbian as a brief fling.

They did make Nissa and Chandra finally get together in the later storylines with the Phyraxxian invasion. As an official couple. Chandra broke up with Adeline after she left Innistrad.

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Gotta be one of my favorite settings though in MTG, holy moly the atmosphere and vibes are always off-the-charts in Innistrad.

And the White Decks are incredibly funny.


Yeah like two out of the four people I sometimes play MtG with play like this and I end the night frustrated, kind of mad, and vowing to never play again every time


You can tell the moment I quit magic by how immediately my ability to remember story beats drops off :V

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I mean I ragequit the story after War of the Spark. I’ve only kept up with some cliffnotes, primarily about the cute lesbians.

I’m still not invested fully, the Gatewatch storyline was just better. It had a clear villain and good characters.

Both my Food Delivery ‘invader’ and now my themed Banished Knight actual Invader have made me realise something in Elden Ring.

PVP is broken.
Not as in “So much stuff is utterly OP!” - I mean, that’s also true, but not the core issue.
The core issue is, and this is on console mind you, so I didn’t think it’d be as bad or blatant, that the natural progression of levels and equipment is Not Working As Intended because people are muleing, duping or hacking.

You get ‘gank squads’ at level 60 that have end-game DLC gear. You get stuff at level 90 that are NG+ level and just roaming around open world. You have such a SMALL percentage of ‘normal’ players in most brackets that would-be normal Invaders clearly just give up.

Which then explains why, at high level co-op, you get such absolute sweatlords with one-shot builds using the most OP equipment - because the environment, as is, means they’re the only ones that persist and last, becauee everyone normal has given up because the world/balance is broken.

Its kinda fascinating, but also VERY frustrating ._.

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Sadly a thing that’s prevelent in all FromSoft PvP. They can’t balance it at all and it ends up being only the hackers, sweatlords or memesters that play it.

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I just like buying pretty cards and the concept of playing fun games with them. All of my decks are Innistrad-themed because Yeah™

MTG is just not very fun to play unfortunately. or well, it is for the people that get to play it rather than getting to spend three seconds on their turn to try and do one thing, get that countered, and then pass it on to the next player who needs ten minutes for all their combos and triggers to be sorted while they carefully make sure that you won’t be able to actually partake for the next four turns

I genuinely do not believe there’s a game I find more disheartening to play than MTG


senile yelling from rocking chair

pokes him mid yell

The jump he did was hysterical.


most pvp games


Becoming more adamant in my belief PVP should be relegated to the arena, and only Co-op is allowed in the overworld.

Ya’ll can’t play nice, so you don’t deserve a damn thing.

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3 words;


You cannot get invaded in the mod but you can summon red phantoms to duel if you so wish (provided they have the password)

They have also said they may implement it into their next games.


Both DS1(In its DLC) and DS2 tried to encourage Arena for PvP over invasions. But it never caught on much because people preferred to gank weaker players over actual fair skilled matches.


Fallout London has an optional character trait called sleepwalker. Sometimes, when you sleep, you wake up in a new location entirely.

Woke up on the opposite side of the map. 10/10. Bethesda need to implement this in every one of their games.


Im on PS5, so… :<

It’s bizarre and hilarious watching people teabag my Delivery Guy after tearing him to shreds.

The guy with aristocrat clothes (next to no armour), no weapons, who emotes/quakes and doesn’t fight back while trying to make item drops.

Like… ye-ah, you go, champ? :sweat_smile:
Have fun with the Golden Crux spammers later, I guess? (Which did NOT get fixed this patch. Lol. Lmao, even.)

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wanting the runettera mmo for gameplay: i sleep
wanting the runeterra mmo for the hot void monsters: real?
wanting the runeterra mmo for playable yordl-…
-i am dragged away by a comically large cane-


I absolutely LOVE yordles, but I just know that Bandle city is gonna be the smut hub of the game for roleplay.