Pet peeves: The return (Part 7)

The most predictable people in the world (Erdogan, orange man and others like them) are throwing temper tantrums over the OS opening featuring a few dancers in drag.


Oh yeah, the reenactment of the feast of Dionysus.

… you’d think “Christians” would be able to see where they stole their imagery from.


Critically, you’d think they would understand that Leonardo daVinci’s depiction of the final supper is not, in fact, a part of Biblical canon or anything close to it


I leave for just three weeks, and this is what they were doing while I was gone?

Wth, I was expecting new server drama and a few character deaths, not…this.

Damn, I read the DaVinci Code not that long ago…

watching the arcadion savage world first race and seeing the 4th boss’s transition
“this was made for the sapphics I think.”

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I had to google to find it, but damn. FFXIV are really hitting a home run this expansion when it comes to sheer joy for the WlW playerbase.

I love her.


Most expansions have been a goldmine for the yaoi enjoyers but this ones definetly for the girls

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Yes it’s boring.
But also jarring.

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(37) “Answers” with Official Lyrics (ARR Main Theme Song) | Final Fantasy XIV - YouTube

reminder this is still one of the hardest things in gaming

I got once again stuck on the Cybperunk 2077 soundtrack like a fly on flypaper.


Recovering after long-term physical and mental exhaustion felt weird. It was like I was waking up after a long slumber, but part by part.

Once in a while, as I lay down, some sensation that I long stopped paying mind to — smell, touch, sense of heat, pulse in a particular body part, some visual or sound stimulus, and so on, — would suddenly become hypercharged. The sound of the washing machine spinning became deafening, walking got me dizzy because suddenly I was seeing so much detail that it was overwhelming, putting on a hat felt like TAKE THIS CONSTRICTING THING OFF RIGHT NOW BEFORE IT CRUSHES MY SKULL.

Then, after a couple of days, the sensation would get back to normal, and the process would repeat with some other one.

Things seem to have settled down by now, thankfully. Mostly. I woke up feeling a pulse in the right side of my chest, more strongly than the left, and I was like… come on, I know my heart isn’t there, so that’s some neural shenanigans going on.


elden ring having a mini boss at the end of the cave that spends the entire fight in stealth and backstabs you is very cheap

i was able to kind of follow it’s footsteps in the water but it didn’t really help me catch him before he got me. in the end i had to use my mimic tear to bait him out and then attack him before he dropped back into stealth

There’s a specific torch you can pick up/buy around Leyndell that helps with that.

As a heads up; you may run into the Women Who Like To Stab you again in future :grimacing:

Edit: also, did you find the other boss in that cave?

Look it would be considered grossly out of character for me not to say anything here


Fair and entirely valid, honestly.

Yes. it is dead.

The necromancer and his pet snail.

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The sensory stuff that bodies can come up with is so damn weird. When my anxiety issues spike it’s a dice roll of “what funky thing is going to be felt this time?”

Keep an eye on it, this stuff likes to hide in corners and does sneak attacks.

I like them
They look cool
They’re effective
We support women’s rights and wrongs


Also a funny bug: If you toggle off shadow form mid flight, you get dismounted.

And when you mount back, it changes your flight from stesdy flight to skyriding and vice versa.

True actually.

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