Pet peeves: The return (Part 7)

“Hi, work here, we know there’s a lot going on, and we still haven’t fixed the building that flooded - no timescale on the floors getting put in again btw - and you’re already wrestling with trying to keep on top of a bunch of Pointless mandatory things we make you do, but by the way there’s Another One that you knew abour but we’re going to start chasing about without actually doing anything to meaningfully help with it, sounds like your responsibility byyyyye~”

‘Weeeh, Public Sector workers have it so easy-!’ types DNI, I will not be held responsible for what, justifiably, happens to you… :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Is your friend by any chance Dantes?

Usually IT workers that work private sector jobs that get them paid 300k a year work a 26 hour work week where they show up for 3 hours in office before announcing they’ll continue working from home (they will play video games at home instead) in my experience


Where do I find this job?


In the Netherlands I’m quite sure, if you ask any working conditions and wage related questions on Dutch social media platforms you will see all of these people come crawling out of the woodwork

There’s apparently lots of jobs like this because they can all change job every couple of years with even better conditions every time!

the video of the riot in southport yesterday is horrific, yet the one glimmer of hope is the racist idiot approaching the barricade ahead of the rest of the mob and getting absolutely obliterated by bricks from his own side


He gets clonked in the head by a brick bouncing off a cop’s shield, turns back and gets absolutely nailed in the nuts

love to see it


Watching him get smashed in the back of the head, only to turn around and get clobbered right in the dick, has had me laughing every time I watch it.

The Simpsons were right: Seeing someone get hit in the crotch is funny.


if you watch it in slow motion he actually gets hit by two bricks at the same time in the first instance, one to the chest and one on the back of his head

the final brick going directly for the groin being the hat-trick that really polishes the whole thing off


That video was hilarious when he got hit in the nutties.

I’ve been told saving the white race reproduction rates is exceptionally difficult with a crushed nutsack, is this true chat

The thing though is having watched the video, and having lived in that area most of my youth, I can tell you that the guy probably already has about 7-10 kids from various mothers.

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He does unfortunately look the part!

My mum owned a shop in Southport for about… fourteen years. Right in the center. And she swears that the people there are utterly ridiculous and can be horrible. On the surface it seems a nice place, but when you get to know it, you know what’s so bad.

I did deal with a lot of people there, too. Not saying all are bad, but it can be terrible.

i can say it because i’m from there. but blackpool/southport/preston are all like that

one of many reasons i moved away as soon as i could

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… I’m hopefully moving to Preston. All my friends live there… … DAMN IT.

that said i’m sure a fair number of the rioters yesterday probably weren’t even local and were just nationalists sticking their nose in to vent


Five riots in ten days. :face_exhaling:

Unironically climate change is probably a contributing factor.

beautiful weather for a riot lads

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