Pet peeves: The return (Part 7)

I probably read it in the context of Stellaris so I probably should have added it up

Last time I played that game I built banks everywhere as a Megacorp and literally bought my way into becoming Empress of the Galaxy.

Finding out that Gabriel Angelos shares voice actor with the blonde white guy pilot who goes through a midlife crisis and starts calling himself Mr Bushido from Gundam 00.

Also that they apparently changed his voice actor from the iconic one he’d had in DoW1+2 to some other person for DoW3? No wonder that game flopped.

Did anyone even play DoW3?

I can see where you are coming from, but, I think it also depends a bit on the fantasy setting. In WoW for instance humans are the malformed off-spring of vrykul, who themselves were cursed and used to be metal constructs, so in wow we are a bit stronger.

But in other settings, take the witcher for example, we seem to be pretty similar. The elf Avall’ach even goes as far as to say that over there we too evolved from monkeys similar to our IRL counterparts.

I concede though, the fact that in most settings we have to share with other intelligent species does change the equation by a whole lot.

I did : (

we could have had it all

[I enjoyed spamming whirlwind artillery, it was absolutely terrible but very fun]

I saw it on sale for Steam a while back for 99p and I still didn’t buy it :pensive:

I played Dawn of War 2. I had no idea what was going on but I like summoning a big demon prince guy with Chaos. Most I’ve ever engaged with 40K.

secret 40k enjoyer Loras, well well well…


blocked + reported enjoy your ban kid


they hated him because he told them the truth

I might be wrong since I don’t know much Witcher lore outside of whats in the 3rd game, but I thought this was because humans in Witcher are from Earth, and the Witcher universe is in some other dimension in which all the living creatures ended up teleported to during some big cosmic event.

zomg its just like the time rogal dorn banned fulgrim from twitch chat so eeeeepic!!!

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who and who

heresy shovel: driven forward so it can hit the heretics with the sword!!

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Not upgraded Reduvia vs. Margit, lets gooo (the bleed killed him)

I am not sure it is actual earth, Avall’ach mentions that we arrived in their world during the Conjunction after destroying our previous world. But I am not sure that it is earth for the simple fact that in the last book, Ciri visits earth a few times while fleeing the Wild Hunt ( early 20th century UK, middle age germany, and other places. The Catriona plague for instance was actually due to bringing a flea from our earth during the times of the bubonic plague raging here).

It is a bit vague though, I’ll give you that.

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That’s just their opinion, I assume?

If it’s objective fact, where did elves in that world come from?

Me: I am immune to propaganda.
Me, watching Yuru Camp: I should go camping. And also learn to ride a bike.

Also from another world.

But… why would similar-looking races come from different worlds, this makes no sense

Actually that’s a problem I also have with modern Forgotten Realms and Warcraft lore, where elves and humans are just… coincidentally similar looking despite having very different origins. Like humanization is fantasy carcinization.

(When Tolkien did it, it made sense, because in his world, elves and humans are explicitly both children of the same supreme god.)