Pet peeves: The return (Part 8)

Revan was never that much of a character to begin with. Their appeal was that they were literally us but also mostly their background can be summarised in few short paragraphs. We attached onto them what wasn’t there.

I miss the everyman jedi merc Kyle Katarn. He wasn’t great storytelling either. But man does he appeal to me. So simple, and monkey brain just likes it.

cal kestis is the new (and better) kyle katarn

i love him dearly

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KotOR remake “still in development” as of April this year, but I won’t ever believe it.

the next mandalorian thing with Zeb from Rebels

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I think he’s well on his path to becoming Kyle Katarn (and I would consoom a live action version of him as well)

He just doesn’t have the presence of the Dark Forces live action cutscene Katarn yet.

Same. Jedi series is second best thing in my eyes to come out of Disney Star Wars next to Andor.

one of the only things i liked about the kenobi series was that the inquisitors fortress was still damage from cal’s visit. you love to see it


I watched Force Awakens and haven’t touched Star Wars since.

I’d watch another if it was on TV except I don’t have TV so-- shrugs

Peeve: People who’s only response to anything/when they’re wrong is “do you have a source?”.

Some guy in a general chat in WoW was complaining hard about pet battles, how its all a waste of dev time, bad and how he doesn’t like them. And that the WQ ones should be removed. Me and other people asked why and argued against it, and he said that the pet battle WQs are “taking up WQ slots” that could be filled for other quests.

I told him that was stupid, because they are their own thing. If they got removed, there wouldnt be “more slots” it would just be less WQs.

His only response was to spam me to tell me a source from the devs that they dont take up a WQ slot. When I asked him what his own source was that they do he told me to shut up :upside_down_face:


My source is I made it the hell up.


What I’ve learned from this is that you can’t help but argue and respond to people even in general chat and not just on the forums.


I’m not the one at fault here! :frowning:

Sometimes you come across problems online you never realized could even be problems.

We’ve all wandered into the general forums and engaged there, only to stand in front the mirror wondering exactly why. But why, in all the sacred spider lands, would you engage in the in-game general chat.


I don’t wonder why, I literally do it to put more transphobes on ignore.

The burden of proof is on the one making the claims, not the one debunking them. If they claim that pet battle WQs take up “WQ slots”, they should be the ones backing the claim with a source.


Not a peeve, actually more meant for the positivity thread, but Blizz is bringing back the deserter debuff for muppets who join dungeon for one boss, then leave. I had it happen yesterday with someone who didn’t get a ring that I needed.

Let justice reign.


Peeved by the current situation with tanks
You get one cute bean who tells you they’re new to tanking and have a nice smooth run with them but the other 8 you run into are all convinced they’re alone in this dungeon and that them dying is the healers fault and not the because they pulled every mob that has cc in the dungeon (but didn’t clear out the ones who you need to get rid of for the boss)


As long as I don’t get a deserter debuff for being kicked halfway through a dungeon(???)…


saw that myself earlier and im just glad to see the amount of sweats its making mad. “how dare they expect me to run the full dungeon.”


For once I have a WoW related Peeve and it’s people being very weird about Anduin… They’ve come out in droves lately and I’m just, y’all out here admitting to having had a thing for him since MoP??? Hello police???
Mans what, in his early 20s now? Idk man those people just weird me the hell out

27 or so now. He was 10 in Vanilla, 15 in MoP.