Pet peeves: The return (Part 8)

Get that clean slate, sis.

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Hmm. I’ve been thinking of playing through the story from level 1. Maybe I should start on Arkenstone? I don’t know where the RP spots are, though. (Bree is the obvious one, but wouldn’t make sense for an elf. I could create a hobbit, mind you…)

Also Laurelin has Laurelin Archives, and I don’t know if Arkenstone has anything similar. Landroval is also an option, but from what I understand, it’s for North America?

What class would you recommend for leveling solo with minimal fuss? I tried minstrel, but was overwhelmed by all the buttons. Champion seemed okay.

I considered hunter, but…

(I did try a hobbit hunter, though!)

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Absolutley hunter due to their camp and travel abilities and kiting!

As for roleplay spot on Arkenstone I have no clue yet, I just know its apparantly plenty but I dont know where yet.

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Ive heard this one is also good, but its the US timezone thats a slight issue. I believe most rp and events will be at like 13 or 15 our times.

That’s actually a pretty good time given my flexible working hours.

Then again, anything is better than going to sleep at 3am, like I routinely did back when I lived in a UTC+7 timezone.

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I’m thinking that.

For some context: One of the last times I was online I got to see some of the big server regulars bully a guy in world chat who was grieving his mother to the point that he had a very concerning, genuine breakdown.

They then continued to mock him about it before one of the other regulars just did a “okay thats enough for now”(But not reprimanding them) and they just kinda left him typing out nonsensical stuff in the chat for the next two hours. Any time someone tried to ask what was wrong or to tell them off or to console him, the regulars just bit back harshly with “Just leave him to it, its better”.

Sounds like both Arkenstone or Landroval could work really well then :slight_smile: I know Laurelin’s little roleplay scene tend to be night owls as it only really kicks off at around like midnight at our timezones.

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Nothing makes you realise you are merely a mildly elevated great ape than when you have to have a fight with your vacuum cleaner before you can do grown up smart human things

I won


While I would probably be uncomfortable about someone I don’t know venting about their personal problems in a public channel of a video game, the death of a parent is the sorta thing I’d give them a pass on – I should know, having lost a parent late last year. At the very least, I’d show some sympathy and try to direct them to speaking with a friend, loved one, or something.

Being cruel to someone under those circumstances is just deranged.

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Absolutely, and I am sorry to hear that and for your loss :frowning:

I had it happen as well in 2017.

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It’s cool, I only mentioned it to illustrate that I’m not speaking from a place of zero experience/understanding.

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Yeah I understand what you mean, and I’m in the same mindset. It would just be a thing I would just completely understand and if anything show sympathy and perhaps(if they are receptive beforehand, I would never intrude myself) find gentle ways to maybe help in whatever way I could. If it’d be just talk or spending time or whatever like that.

Doesn’t really surprise me. The lotro RP scene was always kind of… elitist isn’t even the right word, I can’t say the right word but its an apt one.

I remember one elf guild that had very specific rules about ‘if you wish to join us you must have -read- (not just have a familiarity with or wiki’d) The Silmarillion and in the app you must pass these questions on it’ and it was like… at what point does RP become a job.

I can absoloutly see that level of gatekeeping extending to basic social standards, honestly.



Even an elf wouldn’t know all the lore and information of their world / people, so even from an in-character perspective it’s a faulty premise.


More than once I’ve seen people flat out get angry if someone mentioned they liked the hobbit movies. Or RoP.

Not just angry but basically “right you’re blacklisted from rp” despite the discussion having nothing to do with roleplay.

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Aggressive Tolkien purists are in a league of their own. You thought Warcraft lore purists quoting obscure book passages at you were bad? They’re nothing on Middle Earthers.


Oh god yes they hate the hobbit. I get loving tolkiens world, I do, it’s a great fantasy world, there’s a reason its lasted and influenced so much but like… go outside and breath people. Get another hobby.

It’s a really worrying ‘this is not pure’ mentality and it’s like… it’s a fantasy world of orcs and elves and long dead humans… but oh no this hobbit drank the wrong tea, we must launch a crusade.


The only lore I accept is the niche RTS title War of the Ring, where only book canon is shown and the dwarves built a humongous doomsday catapult

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They would if they tuned their ears to the EIN (Elf Information Network) which allows them to connect to the greater elf subconscious and access all accumulated elf knowledge that has ever been known.


I absolutely adore Middle Earth and Tolkiens works, but yeah these people take it too seriously.

Also it is really funny to point out to these people that there are inconsistencies and retcons all over the books and letters because Tolkien just very casually decided “actually what I wrote before sucks, this is better” on the semi-regular and constantly poked and prodded at his own work.